Calendar & What's On?

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Please be advised that these calendars were accurate at the time of publication. 

What's On?


URGENT: Prep Excursion- Discovery Centre Tuesday 6th June

This term, Preps have been learning about forces and how things move. Our excursion to the Discovery Centre helps build on our learning. We still have a number of students who do not have permission or have not paid. Please see Compass for permission and payment ASAP so your child is able to attend the excursion


URGENT: Grade 6 Melbourne Excursion 5th June

A friendly reminder to please logon to Compass to give consent/payment for your child to attend the Grade 6 excursion.  Cost is $17.   If you are unable to logon to Compass, please contact the office for a hardcopy consent form.  A big thankyou to those families that have already given consent, we really appreciate this. Grade 6 students will travel to Melbourne on Monday 5th June and visit the Museum and IMAX cinema to enhance their knowledge and inquiry about Space.  This is a wonderful opportunity for our grade 6 students to witness the many exhibitions on display and then watch a 3D movie titled A Beautiful Planet. 

Please see Compass for permission and payment ASAP so your child is able to attend the excursion.


Grade 5 Excursion- Science Works 

On Tuesday 13th of June, Grade 5 students will head on an excursion to Science Works in Melbourne. We will continue learning about Light which is our current Science topic and learn about the Solar system which will be a great lead into our next topic in term 3. Could Parents/Carers please remember to sign the consent form and make payment, if you are finding making payment difficult, please make contact with the office to set up a payment plan.


5W Student Learning Conferences for Mr Wachter and Mr Palmer

These conferences are now available for all parents in Mr Wachters class via Compass. Mr Palmer will also be in attendance for parents to meet him and discuss learning goals for term 3 during Mr Wachters leave.