School News

Term 2, 2023

Principals Message, School Programs, Policies and Initiatives

Dear Parents/Guardians,


I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the new families that have joined our school over the past few weeks. 


I would also like to say thank you and good-bye to Mr Mann who has been a part of our school for the past five years. Mr Mann is following one of his dreams of joining the police force and we wish him well in this new adventure. 


Community Engagement

I am hoping that you may have noticed a new section in this newsletter relating to the formation of a new parent group at our school. We had a new school build a few years ago that impacted school ground accessibility for our community and then, COVID, we all know the impact that had in keeping people apart.


As a school and a hub of our community - we want to bring people together. Parents as partners in learning can help to create amazing opportunities within a school. A parent group will help with:

  1. Collaboration and involvement - our parent group will provide a platform for parents to collaborate with each other and actively participate in their child's education. It will help to build and maintain a sense of community and allow parents to have a voice in shaping ideas for the school.
  2. Support and networking - parent groups offer a support system for parents, allowing them to connect with others who share similar experiences, challenges and interests.
  3. Bridging home-school partnerships - we hope that our parent group will strengthen the partnership between parents and the school. It will help to facilitate effective communication, understanding, and cooperation between teachers and families.
  4. Fundraising - there will be opportunities to help raise funds for school ideas that enrich student learning and provide opportunities for resources that add to the enjoyment of school.
  5. Building a sense of belonging - we hope that a parent group would help to build an inclusive and welcoming culture where families feel connected, valued and involved.
  6. Parent education - our parent group could help to organise information sessions on relevant topics that we could all benefit from; the impact of social media is one that immediately comes to mind.

All parents are welcome and we look forward to hearing from you - please see the page attached to this newsletter.


Uniform and Lost Property

With the cold weather well and truly upon us, it is important that our students are clothed warmly during the day. There are a range of different coloured jumpers coming to school and we ask all parents to ensure that their child wears the correct uniform. I completely understand if the item has been lost and you are waiting on another. Our uniform supply will be housed at Noone from the beginning of Term 3 and we hope that this accessibility helps families to purchase uniform items as needed.


Exercise tights and fitted shorts are not part of our uniform. 


We have a mountain of lost property awaiting collection. If you are missing jumpers, pants, hats etc. - they could be hiding in the office area.


Parent responsibilities and roles in supporting student supervision arrangements

Parents and carers are responsible for the care and supervision of students:

  • travelling to and from school
  • outside the times of school supervision before and after school

Supervision responsibilities before and after school

Principals must ensure:

  • school supervision is provided for a minimum of 10 minutes before and after school. Our gates open at 8:30 am and students are supervised until 9:00 am. In the afternoon, supervision concludes at 3:40 pm.

Some students have been getting dropped off at the front of the school really early. Before school care operates daily and families are encouraged to use this service if early drop off is necessary.


Energy Breakthrough

We now have TWO new vehicles in training for the 2023 race year. The school has also purchased tents and marquees to support this competition. Energy Breakthrough - here we come!


Have a lovely weekend.


Kind regards,


Julie Ladd



Our website is where you can access our policies and documents. Please head to the Policies and Documents Tab on the website to access:

  • Child Safe Standards and Policies
  • Health Related Polices
  • Curriculum Framework and School Policies
  • Administration Policies
Please call the office or use Compass to explain your child's absence.  It is a Department of Education and Training requirement that all student absences are explained.  As a school we will be seeking an explanation for all unexplained absences with parents and carers.