From the Principal

Mrs Belinda Burton 


Week 6 Newsletter


Congratulations to the Year 6 students who were Confirmed on Sunday. 

Chase Allingham, Lucy Bible, Elyssa Biddle Thomas Bradford, Kian Calubaquib, 

Stephen Chin, Scarlett Crosby, Maeve Curry, Anthony Dinh, Staten Dowse, 

Alexander Hayes, Audrey Heather, Jack Kenny, Lachlan Kirk, 

Jessica Miller, Jack Moy, Eliza Rose, 

Henry Shirlow, Mercy Suluma.


Thank you Bishop Hanna, Father Roel & Father Peter-Paul for celebrating Mass with the Confirmation candidates. 


Congratulations to all of our students who performed at the Armidale Eisteddfod in the School Choirs and the String Group. All of the groups received outstanding results. A very big thank you to Ms McNeall for her dedication and skills preparing the children. 

Good luck to the Percussion Group on June 7th.  


Catholic Schools Week

Last week we celebrated Catholic Schools Week, which was an opportunity for us to reflect upon and celebrate Catholic Schools and the commitment to every young person in our care. This year's theme is "Renew in Hope" which reflects our mission of providing a faith-filled future for our students. 


On Thursday Stage 2 attended Mass at the Cathedral with other school representatives from across the Armidale Diocese. This event was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge Catholic education and the achievements of our twenty-four school communities. 

Diocesan Cross-Country

Congratulations to all of our students who participated in the Diocesan Cross Country in Barraba.  Congratulations to the children who qualified and will now go to the Polding Carnival on Tuesday 13 June at Eastern Creek in Sydney. Molly Kelly (2nd), Thomas Matthews (3rd) and Maximo Brown who finished 6th in their age groups. 

Thanks to Mr Lester & Miss Adams for taking the children to Cross Country.

Mini Vinnies

Mini Vinnies held their first Winter Appeal event this week. Students & Staff came to school in their PJ's to raise money to purchase Backpack Beds for the homeless. Mini Vinnies goal was to raise enough money for 3 swags $330 but we have almost raised enough for 6 swags raising $633.00 today!

Another very proud moment for me of the children at St Mary's. 

Kindergarten 2024 Interviews 

Next week I will start the interview process for our prospective 2024 Kindergarten students.  I am looking forward to showcasing our school and all it has to offer our prospective families.

Athletics Carnival

I am looking forward to our carnival next Friday.  Thank you to Mr Lester & all of the staff for the preparation for the day. A big thank you to the parents who have volunteered to help on the day. 

Let's Hang It Art Competition Finalist

Congratulations to Pippi Hoy.


Dear Educators,


We are thrilled to inform you that the following student from St Mary’s Primary School is amongst a group of 60 finalists in the 2023 University of New England School Acquisitive Art Prize. There were more than 500 art entries this year, from 50 schools, and these works demonstrated the wonderful array of creativity and imagination, as well as skill of the students. The selection committee of staff from NERAM and UNE commented that there was a wonderful diversity of art media and subject matter represented which made the selection process very difficult, given the high standard. Please inform the student of their success and extend our congratulations.


Infants: Pippi Hoy, Yr2, ‘Mum’, watercolour


The opening of the 2023 University of New England School Acquisitive Art Prize (UNESAP) Let’s Hang It! exhibition will be held at 6pm on Friday 28 July 2023at the New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM) in Armidale and the exhibition will be on display until Sunday 13 August 2023.

P & F 

Athletics Carnival - 9th June

P & F are running the canteen & BBQ at the carnival.

Volunteers are required to assist on the day. Ph Jo Ward President on 0429 831 382


Trivia Evening - Change of Date

Trivia evening date has been moved to August 12th from the 17th June. 

7pm in the School Hall. Save the date!


National Reconciliation Week


National Reconciliation Week – 27 May to 3 June – is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

This year's theme: Be a Voice for Generations. The theme encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives- where we live, work and socialise.


School expectations

  1. Term 2 Winter Uniform
  2. Clean tidy hair.  Hair that is long must be tied back (general rule if it touches your shirt collar) 
  3. Uniforms are to be worn correctly and appropriately daily (if circumstances prevent this communication with your teacher is required). 
  4. General rule is no jewellery except for: watch, earrings studs or sleepers
  5. No fingernail polish
  6. No writing or drawing on self - arms, legs, hands
  7. No writing or drawing on school hats
  8. No chewing gum at school
  9. All children are to speak politely and have outstanding manners
  10. Swearing at school is not appropriate
  11. No hands or feet. Students do not use hands or feet to hurt others.
  12. Respect school and others property

Absences, Illness & Notifications

It is that time of year - cold and flu season plus COVID-19! Please let the school know if your child has tested positive to COVID so we can alert our families of COVID in the school.  

Parents please let the school know the reason for your child's absence by responding to the SMS or by contacting the school by phone, 67724441 or email 


Government legislation states, notification of your child's absence must be received no later than 7 days after your child's last day of absence. 

School Hours

8:20am Doors Open & Student Supervision begins.

8:50am Classes start.

Students who arrive after 8:50 am will need to be signed in by Parents at the Front Office, if this doesn't occur parents will receive an unexplained notification for late attendance.

Thank you for signing your child in if they are late as this ensures our attendance records are accurate. 

10:50am-11:30am First Break

1:30am-2:10pm Second Break

3:10pm Classes end

3:15pm Buses are loaded

3.10-3.20pm Pick up top gate Dangar Street

3:15-3:30pm Pick up Rusden Street. 


All students are to be collected by 3:30pm.

After School Care is available for families from 3:10-6pm on site at school.

School Office Hours

The School Office hours are 8:20am - 4pm Monday- Friday.