Inside the Classroom


Primary classes celebrated NAIDOC week with the First Nations Engagement Day at Orange Regional Museum. The students were involved in a number of workshops including story-telling, art, bush tucker and a session in the museum. All students were fully engaged throughout the day and learned a lot about Aboriginal culture.

The students are enjoying being outside when the sun comes out. They are using the playground equipment and loving the sandpit.

Class 12 have been busy working on art projects in their classroom. 


Kari Priest

Primary Leader

Stage 4

Stage 4 enjoyed the visit from Tjupurru on Friday presenting us with his Didjeribone Show. He began by putting clay on the students' faces and then taught them a number of traditional Aboriginal dances and songs.

Stage 4 literacy groups participated in drama activities around the story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. Filming and working together to play characters from the story is challenging. They are doing an awesome job!

Class 15 have been braving the rainy weather by cooking up some yummy dishes. We've been continuing on with our usual classes and had fun working together solving mystery maths problems. Best of all, we had an amazing time with our NAIDOC celebrations.

Cassie Lloyd

Stage 4 Leader

Stage 5

During week 4 we celebrated our community NAIDOC week. Stage 5 participated in a bingo-style scavenger hunt based on a celebration of past and present Indigenous legends. Students were very interested in finding out the achievements and contributions that these people have made to our country. They also discussed the theme for the book “You can’t be what you can’t see”. 

This theme has been very fitting for our year 10 students who will be moving on to stage 6 next year and are looking forward to the opportunities available to them next year. Last week class 9 students attended the job expo with Ms Cox and Mr Low, where they had the opportunity to meet with local businesses and providers about jobs, apprenticeships, traineeships and training opportunities available to them. It was great to see them interacting so positively in the community.


Class 9 are participating in a service learning project to build their leadership skills. They have been visiting the primary classes to read stories and play games to facilitate familiarity between senior and junior students.


The timing could not be more perfect for us, as this week we are celebrating National Pollinator week with the arrival of our bees to our flow hive. Thank you to Mrs Baker, Mr Wilson and Mr Fairgrieve for bringing them to our school and looking after them until they settle into their new home. Class 9 have been researching pollinator plants and growing some flowers from seed for our bee-friendly garden. We can’t wait to taste the honey!

Elke Cunial

Stage 5 Leader

Stage 6

Stage 6 students have been busy participating in a range of fun and engaging learning activities at school and in the community.  Primary industries students completed a safety side-by-side training course at TAFE and they did so well considering the terrible weather. The TAFE teachers were thoroughly impressed with their commitment and maturity while driving the vehicles and following the safety procedures. 

Year 12 students have been visiting a variety of locations in the community as part of their Community Access Program. Students have visited a variety of local service providers and have completed their challenge activity cards in the local community that requires them to locate shops and services available to them.  

Stage 6 students visited the Central West Job Expo last week and enjoyed speaking with local businesses and providers about jobs, apprenticeships and traineeships. They also got to interact with the providers completing a range of hands-on activities and challenges. 

Students from across the secondary years had the amazing opportunity to travel to Dubbo for the Stand Tall event. Students listened to TedX style guest speakers encouraging students to practice gratitude, have hope and be kind.  

Jess Hodder

Stage 6 Leader


Campus students acknowledged and celebrated NAIDOC week in a number of ways. Together we created a gorgeous artwork, where each student contributed to at least one section and then we joined them together to create the beautiful art that is now displayed for all to enjoy. We also welcomed Mr Boyd Griffen into the school to have a yarn with the students and teach the finer art of cooking on a BBQ. Class 19 painted some lovely coasters and contributed to the gifts given to our guests. Many classes expanded their knowledge of Aboriginal history and culture through learning experiences and everyone attended the NAIDOC assembly. We are really proud of the students who received awards at this assembly. 


We are most excited about designing and planning our bush tucker garden with the help of Mr Gerald Power. We are hoping to visit his garden to become inspired and use his vast knowledge to assist with our project. Stay tuned.

In between the rain we have enjoyed the outdoors and appreciated our beautiful playground and grassed areas - working on our fitness, teamwork and just having fun together!


We are continuing to enjoy the PCYC Fit for Life program every Friday - even on rainy Fridays where we have been completing indoor team-building exercises.

As you walk through the classroom the learning is evident - it's all over the walls!!

Research projects and PDHPE assessments, Science experiments and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, probability and crocodiles - just to name a few!!

This week saw one of our proudest moments with the Campus 2 Community program travelling to Molong to cook a sausage sizzle lunch for the staff and students at Molong Central School. Our students were great ambassadors for their school and put a smile on many faces of people going through a tough time at the moment.


Kate Griffen 

Head Teacher Campus