Positive Education @ Anson

Positive Wellbeing for Learning

This week our year 12 students have put their years of learning about the character pillars of kindness, curiosity, gratitude and hope into action.



Students have been curious about the plight of our neighbours in Molong and Eugowra who have been impacted by record flooding over the last few weeks. They have expressed how grateful they are that Orange was not damaged and thought up ways that they can spread kindness to those affected by the floods and raise money and supplies to give hope to those involved in this tragedy.


The students have come up with two great fundraising ideas:


Mufti Day - students wear plain clothes to school and bring a gold coin donation.

Coffee and cake- students have been baking slice and scones and will be offering staff a barista coffee and sweet treat for $5. All money raised will go to supporting people affected by the floods in our neighboring communities.



Our Campus2Community team spent yesterday spreading kindness to the Molong Central school students today, cooking a delicious sausage sizzle for students there just to brighten their day and let them know that we are thinking of them at this difficult time.

It is so wonderful to see our students putting their learning into action and giving back to our community.


Jenny Rosser

Deputy Principal



Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

Our current PBL focus is Be Respectful: kind talk or take a walk! We are encouraging our students to use kind words and speak respectfully to their peers at all times. Kind talk also involves cheering our friends up, celebrating achievements and motivating each other to achieve positive things. Sometimes our emotions take over and we forget our kind words. It is a great idea then to take a walk, breathe deeply and refocus.


Current PBL stars:


Congratulations to these students who are always respectful, responsible and safe to their peers, the staff, visitors to the school, and in the community. Well done!


Julie Hudson

Deputy Principal

PBL Coordinator