Principal's Message
(Heads, Hearts & Hands)
Liam Buckley
Principal's Message
(Heads, Hearts & Hands)
Liam Buckley
Dear families
There are three and a half weeks left of the school term and a month before Christmas Day!
I have no idea where the term and the time has gone but we are starting preparations for the end of the year.
Our Year 3's began the Advent journey with a liturgy based on the Jesse Tree. Well done Mr Sandison and the wonderful students.
Sharon Portelli one of our wonderful LSOs will be leaving St Joseph's at the end of the year. Sharon has been with us during 2022 and has worked mainly with Year 4. Thank you for your time and dedication to our children and we wish you all the best for your new role in 2023. I will let you know who is replacing Sharon in the next week or so.
Some of our Year 5/6 students went to Story House Pre School on Thursday last week to spend time with some of the 4 year olds. Our students were wonderful and they sat and read stories and played games with the kinder children.
Teachers are busy writing reports for our students and preparing for PSGs this week. We have an excited bunch of Year 3/4 students getting ready for their school camp in a couple of weeks so fingers crossed for the weather. Speaking of which we will be holding our St Joseph's Sports Day next Wednesday (30th) 12 - 2.30pm and fingers crossed for some warm sunny days (Operoo to follow).
Leadership speeches for our Year 5 students will be taking place next Tuesday 29th and parents of those children are welcome to attend. We will let you know the time later in the week.
Thank you so much to all of the parents and students who attended the Working Bee on Sunday morning. There was a great deal of weeding and gardening happening and we are very grateful for the helping hands and green fingers. Special thanks to Lou Murray for her expertise in the garden.
Dance Fit
Each morning and lunch times we are having great impromptu dance offs! This week the Nutbush has overtaken Taylor Swift as the top tune!
Polling Day
St Joseph's will be a polling station on Saturday 26th so come long and cast a vote and grab a sausage and a delicious cake from our wonderful parents.
Running club
Every Thursday morning from 8pm feel free to join the kids have a few laps around school. Today we had 17 students running which was a fabulous turn out!
Black Rock Pre School
From 2023 Black Rock Pre School will be hosting one of their 3 Year Old Groups here at St Joseph's. Initially it will be on Friday and the kinder will use the Wellbeing Room.
We believe that this could be a great opportunity to build connections and partnerships with our closest kinder in the hope of gaining some of those families in the future.
Around School
Lots of fun this week during developmental play at the St Joseph’s hospital! These doctors had to use the books to help solve medical problems, whilst showing love and compassion. Well done Foundation!
Foundation keeping everyone safe!
In Religion, Year 1/2 have been learning about the Bible and the characters and stories that are contained in this special book. After some discussion about what we thought God was like, the students drew their own images of God and wrote a description. The students read their descriptions to Fr James when he came to visit us.
The 1/2s have been working hard to up level their narrative writing skills. They have been focusing on using writing strategies such as Show, don't tell and Setting the Scene, as well as exploring various punctuation and adding interesting vocabulary. Here are a few samples of their excellent efforts.
It was a thunderous night and at 999th station street I woke up to the sound of thunder and guess what I saw…
It was a jar but not just any jar it was a glowing jar! Woah! I could not believe my eyes!! I counted to 10 and opened the jar and…
One dark stormy night in a crooked forest there was a haunted house in the forest. The house was black, dark and mysterious.
The rain was pouring down on another cold halloween night as kids went trick or treating. BOOM! As the kids shaked as they wondered, what was that sound?
It was a dark and stormy night and Dwain the boxer had just returned from rough old boxing. He won by finishing the other guy off with a big old fat fist in the face.
Year 3
Mr Sandison took Maths outside and the children thought they were just having fun !
Year 4, 5/6 next issue!
Mass Times
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hampers
Please see the note below and we will coordinate items for each class - collected Dec 9th.
'Once again, we rely on donations and donated funds. therefore it would be wonderful if you could please appeal to the
Stella Maris and St Joseph's School Children, Families and Communities to donate the following items:
-towel, hand towel, face washer
-socks, t-shirts (for some/ as many as we can)
-toiletries including shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste
-non perishable food items, eg biscuits, chocolates, tea, coffee
-lovely Christmas gift'
Testimonials & Video clips
Parents please send any 10 - 20 clips of your child telling us what they love about St Joseph's. We will be hoping to stir up some interest with our best marketing strategy - which is your amazing children. Also if any parents wish to write a brief testimonial about St Joseph's and either send it to myself or Ben, we would love to add this to our marketing / website. Alternatively please post some positive ( ).
🏫 Open Days
We will continue to host Open Days in Term 4 - please encourage anyone you know to visit if they are looking for a great school next year.
Personalised tours are available through the office any day of the week.
Please click on this link to place a lunch order