Students of the Week- week 5

Monday 31st October, 2022

Prep ADaphneFor your terrific attitude towards learning this week. Keep up the fantastic work!
Prep BJoe JFor your wonderful start to being in Prep at Carnegie Primary School. We love being with you and sharing our fun learninig together.
Prep CRanbirFor the amazing effort you are putting into your writing. Your work is a pleasure to read. You are a superstar!
Prep DAstonFor showing wonderful maths understanding when sharing equally between groups. Keep up the great work, Aston!
1DSebastianAll of the teachers love how you are helping others and starting up great games to play with your Year 1 friends. Good one, Seb!
1DRomaan For his great school attendance this term. You have shown so much improvement in your reading writing. Unreal work, Romaan!
1BHenry For becoming such a confident writer! You always write so much, you have such great stamina. Well done, Henry
1ASupratik For all the extra learning you do at home. You can see the progress in your school work. Great effort!
1AElouen For having a fantastic start at CPS. You have been working very hard on your handwriting and have been excellent at writing fractions in maths. Keep it up!
1AManashvi For being proactive during your learning. Seeking help and finding a sensible place to sit. You are a star!
1CVictoria For her excellent efforts towards all of her school work. You are really working hard to achieve your goals. Well done!
2DWilliam V-RFor developing a more confident approach to his work and for always being a kind and considerate member of the class. Well done, William!
2CAshtonFor creatively measuring and estimating the length of multiple items around the classroom with a variety of objects. Keep up the great work, Ashton!
2BAmyra JFor writing a great persuasive text on how 'Parents Spend Too Much Time on Their Phones'. Keep up the great work, Amyra!
2APavani For using powerful language and great arguments during persuasive writing. You had us all convinced! Super effort!
3CSaanvi For working so well to improve her reading skills. You read aloud with beautiful expression and have improved your understanding of what you have read. Well done!
3BIssy For working so conscientiously during Maths. You have done a great job comparing fractions this week. Well done!
3DChrisFor her outstanding work with comparing fractions by converting them to percentages. We loved seeing you show your thinking in multiple ways! Well done, Chris.
3DVivaanFor brilliant reasoning when explaining your thinking and strategies in maths. You are an amazing mathematician!
3DAudreyFor consistently showing the leadership habit of being proactive. You are always responsible and show great initiative to help your teachers and peers.
5ADarcy For your impressive attitude towards your learning. You are focused, quickly ready to learn and a fabulous team member. Thank you for being amazing, Darcy!
5CArjunFor going above and beyond in our debating unit. You worked tirelessly and wrote an incredible speech with convincing arguments. Pineapple definitely belongs on pizza!
5BMahia For such a wonderful start at C.P.S.. You have settled into year 5 so beautifully and we look forward to working with you and getting to know you even more.