Sacrament Information

Please pray for children making their sacraments as this will continue throughout the year.

A reminder that Students  can celebrate the Sacrament of First Eucharist (Year 5) by booking into any of the 3 Mass times offered at OLHC or SFX Church over any weekend until Sunday 20th November


Mass options are Saturday night Mass, 6pm at SFX Church, Sunday morning Masses, 8:30am at SFX Church or 10:00am at OLHC Church. A maximum of 6 students per Mass. 10 people per family.  

6pm Mass at SFX Church

8:30am Mass at SFX Church or 

10:00am Mass at OLHC Church

Saturday 5th, 12th, 19th November

Sunday 6th, 13th, 20th November

Bookings can be made by completing the online trybooking form 


Thank you,

Clare Bisby

(Education in Faith Leader)