Multiage–Celebrating Learning


Last week we went to Blackwood camp in the bus and Michael was our expert bus driver. We stopped for a snack and when we arrived, we took the cases out of the trailer and we chose our tents. We set up our beds and we had lunch and we explored the campsite. Then we went to Archery. We had to use the arrows to shoot at the target and it was really hard to pull the string but we all did it. Some people got a Bullseye and some people got really close. It was awesome fun.                                                                                                               

We walked to the Blackwood Hotel for dinner, and we had garlic bread to start. Some people had chips and nuggets and the others had Spaghetti Bolognese.  Everyone had lemonade and ice-cream and topping or sticky date pudding for dessert. It was delicious. When we got back to camp, we grabbed our torches to go on the night walk. Shane and Ella gave us glowsticks and we walked all around Blackwood camp on a path in the bush. The planet Jupiter was big and bright, and it was amazing because we could see millions of stars because there weren’t many lights. Some lucky ones also saw a shooting star. When we stopped talking and listened to the bush, we heard heaps of frogs ribbiting and croaking. Michael and Lindsay made a campfire, and we had a hot chocolate and we danced by the fire to our songs we chose until really late. It was freezing because it was 0 degrees, so we put lots of extra blankets on our beds to keep us warm and snuggly.               

Everyone slept like a bug in a rug, and we woke up very early when the sun came up. We had pancakes, toast and bacon and egg muffins for breakfast and then we packed up our beds before our High Ropes activity. Everyone put their harness on, and we were a little bit scared and nervous. But we were determined and brave and it was the best fun going on the ropes and the flying fox and we all felt very proud. It was sad to say goodbye to Blackwood, but we had the best road trip home and we had yummy fish and chips on the way. Our camping camp was awesome and the best camp ever! It was 10 out of 10!                                                                                                               

By the tired but happy campers.