Dates for your Diary

2023 Prep (Bridges) students Transition Program

  • Friday 25 Nov - Transition 1 – 9.30 to 11.30am
  • Thurs 1 Dec - Transition 2 – 9.30 to 11.30am
  • Mon 5 Dec - Transition 3 – 9.30 to 11.30am
  • Weds 7 Dec - Transition 4 – 9.30 to 11.30am
  • Tues 13 Dec - Transition 5 – 9.30 to 11.30am


Step Up for 2023 Year 1s to Year 6s

  • Thursday 1 December - Step Up afternoon session – 12.30 to 2.10pm
  • Thursday 2 December - Step Up morning session – 9.00 to 11.30am
  • Wednesday 7 December - Step Up afternoon session – 12.30 to 3.30pm
  • Tuesday 13 December - Step Up Whole day


Current Year 6 – Secondary Transition day

  • Tuesday 13 December – Whole day

Dates for Term 4

  • Week 7 & 8 (15-24 Nov) – P-2 School swimming program
  • Friday 25th Nov – 2nd hand uniform sale 8.30am to 9.15am
  • Sat 26th November - Election Day BBQ (no cake stall) (volunteers for BBQ required)
  • Mon-Weds 28th to 30th November – Year 4 Camp (3 days/2 nights - Allambee)
  • Wednesday 30th Nov – Year 2 Day Camp. 8.30am to 5.30pm
  • Friday 2nd Dec – Free dress day (bring raffle donations or gold coin)
  • Wednesday 7th December – Carols by Candlelight at 6.30pm, P&F raffle draw
  • Thursday 8th December – Year 6 Funfields excursion
  • Friday 9th December – Kaboom Sports day
  • Monday 12th December – Whole School Swimming Carnival
  • Wednesday 14th December – Year 6 Graduation (Eltham High School)
  • Thurs/Fri 15 & 16 December – Year 3 Camp (2 days/1 night)
  • Monday 19th December – Whole School Assembly, Colour Fun Run & last day of school (3.30pm dismissal)
  • Tuesday 20th December - Pupil-free Curriculum Day

Dates for Term 1, 2023

  • Friday 27 January - School staff and teachers return to school
  • Tuesday 31 January - Years 1 to 6 students commence school
  • Tues 31 Jan to Fri 3 Feb - Prep student individual assessments
  • Monday 6 February - Prep students commence school with staggered start times
  • Tuesday 7 February - Prep students commence school 9am to 3.30pm, 5 days week
  • Thursday 6 April - final day of term 1