Library News

Miss Debbie

Book Club

Thank you to everyone who ordered from Book Club this year.  We have added more than $500.00 worth of books to the school library from the rewards that were earned when you ordered.  It is gratefully appreciated, and our library continues to have up to date and interesting books.



You should have recently received that last order for this year. Scholastic had issues in their warehouse which delayed the books.  Scholastic have apologised for the delay.  If you are still waiting for an order, please let me know as soon as you can.



End of Year Book Returns

With the end of the year approaching, we need to return all the books that you have borrowed from the library this year.  I will be sending out notices in the next few weeks, so that you know the titles of the books that you are looking for.  If you are having difficulty finding the missing books, please feel free to contact me to discuss.  I understand that they can be pesky, and hard to find.  I suggest looking in the back of the car, under the rugs, behind the bed and under the cushions on the couch.


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