Teaching and Learning in Prep H

Hello from Prep H


Narrative Writing:


In Prep H we have been working hard learning how to write a narrative story. We got to create our very own character and design a setting for our story. After that we came up with a problem and a solution for our story. Once we had our plans ready, we had a go at writing our stories. Check out some of our writing and plans here!


Pevan and Sarah Excursion:


We got to go on an excursion to see some of our favourites, Pevan and Sarah. All year we have watched and learned so many things from Pevan and Sarah’s videos so we were very excited to see them in concert and see our learning come to life!

When we came back we wrote some awesome recounts about our excursion and sent some pictures of them to Pevan and Sarah. They sent us a video back, telling us how amazing our work was and we were so excited to hear from them!



Information Reports:


We have also been learning how to create an information report and did our first one about rainbows. We learnt so many things like how rainbows are actually a circle!



We have also been spending lots of time with our buddies. We have been working together playing games and completing craft activities getting to know each other.