Sport Captain

Sophia Papantoniou

This year we saw excellence in all aspects of Mount Alvernia’s sporting life, with the students who have actively immersed themselves in sport this year inevitably developing characteristics that will support them during their time at the College. 


Sport naturally develops these characteristics from one’s performance through encouraging traits such as grit, resilience, and self-discipline. These are known as “willing values” which support the mental, emotional, and behavioural attributes that drive performance in an achievement-based activity. Notably, these values students develop through engaging in sport will help drive both academic and sporting performance. Based on this, it is imperative we continue to see increased participation across all sporting opportunities available at the College. 


Personally, I have experienced the decrease in levels of participation across Year 9, 10 and 11. This may be due to young students feeling uncomfortable, popularity, and management of time - all of which I have experienced. My goal for the upcoming sporting year is to increase participation rates within these year levels and break the stigma which is preventing students from participating in school sport. 


Students need to believe in themselves and find their brave to engage in the various sporting environments available at the College. Whether that be in a competitive team or the social experiences on offer that allow students to have fun with their friends and try something new. 


Mount Alvernia welcomes all students into their sporting community and effectively caters to the wishes for your sporting experience. Next year, I hope we can all contribute to increasing the sporting participation at the College and work towards making 2023 the best sporting year yet. 


Before this schooling year draws to a close, I would like to congratulate all the students who have actively participated in school sport and thank you for your dedication throughout the year!