2023 Women in Digital Awards

Over the weekend students attended the 2022 Women in Digital Awards evening. It was a fantastic evening with students having the opportunity to meet many professionals working in digital or who have actively enabled digital leadership for women. The students very much enjoyed the experience and have been inspired by some of the nominees and winners from the night. Mount Alvernia attendees were guests of Gemma Alker and the Centre for Future Enterprise at QUT. We extend our thanks to them for providing the students with such an eye-opening opportunity.
The theme of the night is “You can’t be what you can’t see” and so the students now see how successfully women are working in a range of digital careers and running digital projects and companies throughout Australia.
Caitlin (Year 10)
My experience at the Women in Digital 5th annual awards night was an enjoyable and inspiring filled with speeches and conversations from women all across Australia. One of the awards presented was a software engineer of the year and as someone who is wanting to pursue a career in software engineering it was very uplifting to see that I could one day win one the awards that holds a great honour at the National women in digital awards.
Yasmin (Year 11)
I am really appreciative that I was given the opportunity to attend the Women in Digital Awards night; it was a fantastic experience that allowed me to get to meet many incredible and kind women who are all successful in their chosen fields. I was inspired by the experience and reminded of what I am working to achieve, hopefully one day I will share the stage with them.
Sienna (Year 10)
Volunteering to go to the Women In Digital Awards evening was an amazing decision that I don't regret making. Throughout the night we met amazing women who are in the field of digital and witnessed so many accomplishments by these women and the impact they make on our society. Since I am passionate about joining this field of work meeting and witnessing all of these women made me really hopeful for the future I am walking into. During this night I made many fond memories and learned many tips about wanting to pursue my passion for Cyber Security from a female CIO Angela Coble at MedTech.