STEM in Term Three

Welcome back to Term Three! During STEM in Term Three, Foundation (Prep) to Grade Two students will be focusing on understanding the Design Process. 

Students in Foundation will be exploring the Design Process through mini-STEM challenges that focus on developing their ability to evaluate their solutions for specific purposes, verbally and through simple self-produced models. 


Students in Grades One and Two will be exploring the Design Process through a term-long project where they design, plan, test, improve and share a self-made arcade game. 


During STEM in Term Three, Grades Three to Six will be using EV3 Lego Mindstorm Robots to collaboratively solve challenges, create programs and utilise sensors. They will be using programmable bricks combined with user-friendly coding software, to explore the way that solutions can be represented visually and carried out by an information-processing agent, the robot. Students will practise their computational thinking to formulate solutions for weekly mini-challenges to make coding a reality through real problem solving and hands-on learning experiences.