Sustainability News

Eco Club
Our Eco Club members meet every Wednesday and are working hard to ensure our school is environmentally aware and sustainability focused. One of their usual tasks is calculating the percentage of people in each class who had nude food lunch boxes the previous Friday.
One of their newest projects is working on movies to educate our school community about the different kinds of bins and what goes inside them. This term all members are working on their story boards and early next term, filming will begin.
Each newsletter we will highlight one of our groups and what they are working on. This week, meet Penny, Sadie, Patrick and Lorelei. This group are working on the compost bin.
- Sadie: Our movie is a game show about the compost bin and what goes in it.
- Lorelei: We are making a movie about the compost bin and what goes in it and what doesn’t go in it.
- Penny: Our group is making a movie about the compost bin and what goes in it and what doesn’t go in it.
- Patrick: Our movie is a fun explanation on what you can put in the compost bin and what you can’t.
Yellow Bin at FPS
We have a new bin on the school yard - a yellow recycling bin. We are trialling this bin next to our landfill bin, located by the gym. The yellow bin is a commingled recycling bin; paper, plastic, metal, and glass can now go straight into the yellow bin and avoid landfill.
We are encouraging less waste in our school grounds but understand that at times wrappers can’t be avoided. To ensure we are doing everything we can to be more environmentally friendly, we are trialling the yellow recycling bin for the remainder of term two.
Please check the signs before you dispose of your rubbish!
Nude Food Fridays
Across this term, staff and students have been encouraged to bring lunch without wrappers. It has been exciting to see how many people have brought in lunches... completely nude. Thank you for supporting this initiative.
Look out for more sustainability news!
~ Eco Club and Sustainability Team