Treasurer's Update

Treasurer’s Update & Thanks
Thank you to all families who have paid their 2022 Curriculum Contributions. It has been so encouraging for the school to see so many families making this contribution so early in the year.
Thanks also to those families who have provided contributions to the Building Fund, Library Fund, Nurse Fund and Librarian Fund respectively.
FPS is very proud of our Library and Paula, our librarian, who is well known to all the children at the school. Similarly, our nurses Carolyn, Kaye and Dianna provide great support to children, and in a school the size of ours, first aid is always very busy! The Building Fund has provided the opportunity for FPS to support building enhancement, which not only promotes a good learning environment for the children, but supports our aspiration to become a sustainable school.
If families are still interested in providing Non-Curriculum Contributions, they may do so at any time throughout the year. However, as contributions to the building fund and the library fund are tax deductible, if you make payment prior to 30th of June, you will be able to claim this contribution through your tax return.
~ Louise Currie, FPS School Council Treasurer