Physical Education Focus

Physical Education Report
It is hard to believe that term two is already drawing to a close – it is wonderful to be back teaching PE and holding events again.
Physical Education in Years 3 – 6
At the beginning of term, all Year 3 - 6 students were given the opportunity to participate in the House Cross Country Carnival. In their PE lessons students completed laps of the school cross country course and earnt points for their House. It was incredible to see students pushing themselves and taking part in long distance running. The winning house for this event will be announced at the next school assembly.
With the school cross country finished, the focus of lessons turned to athletics field events. These events require complex movements and are skills unique to athletics. Students have been practising safe and efficient ways to participate in high jump, as well as practising how to throw a discus safely and correctly. Next, we will move onto how to safely and correctly push a shot (shot put). The House Athletics Carnival is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 27 July. More details for this event will be sent out via Compass closer to the date, so please keep an eye out for this.
Physical Education in Foundation – Year 2
It has been so great to meet all the Foundation students and reconnect with the Year 1/2 students – they have been so welcoming and very excited for their PE lessons. This term’s focus has been playing active games, as well as moving bodies in different ways. Each lesson has started with a tiggy game to get students active and help them to learn about following the rules of games.
After this, students have played a variety of simple games in which they have been moving around in different ways. Examples of these movements include directional movements such as sidestep, backwards walking, and zig zagging. Animal movements such as bear walking, frog jumps or kangaroo hops, or more complex movements such as skipping, grapevine and high knees. These movements not only help students be active, but help build up their coordination.
Sports Report
After a challenging couple of years, it is incredible to have events happening again in 2022. This term saw the return of cross country, as mentioned earlier. From our school cross country event, 50 students were selected to represent FPS at a district competition against other schools and 13 of these children were successful in making it to a division carnival.
At a very cold division event a further seven runners qualified for the region cross country event. It is great to see students who gave it everything at these events and crossed the line exhausted, knowing they had run their best regardless of the result. I would like to wish those seven students whose cross country journey is still going the best of luck at the region event.
Year 6 Gala Day
The Year 6 interschool sports Gala Day took place last Friday and despite cold wintry conditions the students had an amazing time and enjoyed the opportunity to play sports against some other schools in our district. I think the attached pictures tell the story best.
Learn to Swim Program
We welcome the return of our school Learn to Swim program in term three. This year’s program has been expanded to accommodate all students from Foundation – Year 2 and will take place on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please see Compass for the details of this program. If you have any questions, please feel free to come and find me and speak to me in the yard – I am more than happy to answer all your questions.
~ Geoff McShane, Physical Education & Sports Teacher