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META High School Esports
Congratulations to the JMSS team who completed in the META - High School Esports League Final on Saturday last week. They won the final 2 - 1 against Melbourne High.
META High School EsportsIntroduces gaming and esports to help students build critical skills through their passions!
Congratulations, Chaeyoon Hyun, Mortaja Mater, Aaron Rath, Luke Tom & Mengou Xu
Australian Brain Bee Challenge
Congratulations to Braeden van de Beek who competed in the Australian Brain Bee Challenge recently. He is now in the the Top 10 in the Victorian division with the final state rounds happening next week. Good luck!
Happy Principals' Day
With Mr Corkill and Mr Chisholm both currently on leave, these 5 incredible leaders have stepped up! A big thank you to our Assistant Principal, Mr Mackinnon for taking on the Principal role, leading us through a really busy Term 3. To Dr Denney, Mr Bohni, Mr Mann and Ms Ryan - Thank you for taking the reigns as Assistant Principals, we really appreciate your leadership and guidance!
Australian Geography Competition
Congratulations to Eli Solly who came first in Australia in the Australian Geography Competition!
They have received a medal, a book and a certificate.
Well done - this is an amazing achievement.
JMSS is once again offering brief, guided, Mindfulness practice before school two mornings a week. The sessions run for 10 minutes, begin at 8.20am, concluding at 8.30am on a Tuesday and Thursday with plenty of time for students to gather their things for class at 8.40am.
The Mindfulness sessions come from a science perspective and offer students & staff a chance to hone their focus, settle their autonomic nervous system, practise being present, connect with like minded individuals, and generally enhance their holistic wellbeing.
Come and join us!
New artwork created by all students at JMSS.
A fun and colourful addition to the school!
Careers Expo
Big thank you to Ms Carter for organising the Careers Expo. A great insight into all universities and careers post Year 12.
National Science Week
National Science Week next takes place on 13-21 August 2022 all over Australia.
The school theme for National Science Week in 2022 is Glass: More than meets the eye.