EB Research Breakfast

EB Research Partnership Australia Business Breakfast
VCAL students at Copperfield College have been completing a variety of projects during semester 1. One that students are particularly proud of is a fundraiser for EB Research Partnership Australia. Diana Leilua, Candice Gray, Alex Hristoski, Ethan Borg and Bruce Nguyen, with the help of Mrs Chiodo-Jennings and Ms Breen, have planned a breakfast and guest speaker to raise awareness of this debilitating condition. Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) attacks the body's largest organ, the skin, it causes skin to become very delicate and easily damaged and then infected. EB causes significant pain in patients and results in premature death at a young age.
The student lead project has seen students contacting external groups to get quotes for venues, food and decorations. They have created a wonderful invitation and website to sell tickets. Diana, Candice, Alex, Ethan, Bruce and Mrs Chiodo-Jenning would like to extend an invitation to the greater school community to attend this breakfast fundraiser on June 22nd. A ticket to the event costs $50 and includes breakfast, with profit being donated on behalf of the school community.
If you would like to learn more about EB and the amazing things they are doing to prolong and improve the quality of life for people suffer EB please visit their website at https://www.ebresearch.org
If you are unable to attend on the day but would like to donate to this fabulous cause you can do so here; https://www.trybooking.com/au/donate/copperfieldcollegeeb
QR for link to tickets - trybooking.com
Ms Jackie Breen
Vocational Specialist, VET & VCE Teacher