

Deutsch für die Zukunft 

(German for the Future) 


 How to support your child’s German at home 


Here are some songs that students have been learning in German classes that you might wish to practise and enjoy at home with your child: 




Topic: Bauernhoftiere (Farm Animals) 

Song: Old Mac Donald hat ‘ne Farm (Old Mac Donald had a farm) 


LEVELS 1 & 2 


Topic: Tiere (Animals) 

Song: Das kleine Küken piept (The little chick cheeps) 


LEVELS 3 & 4 


Topic: Kleider (Clothes) 

Song: Grün, grün, grün sind alle meine Kleider (Green, green, green are all of my clothes) 


LEVELS 5 & 6 


Topic: Gefühle (Feelings) 

Song: Das Lied von den Gefühlen (The Song about Feelings) 


By our German Captain, Tilly 


The German language shares 60% of its vocabulary with English.  

Did you know Germany has over 400 zoos? 414 zoos to be exact. That’s more zoos than the entire United States! The oldest and largest zoo in all of Germany is the Berlin Zoolischer Garten. It also has the largest collection of zoo animals in the entire world.  


Viel Spaß und Vergnügen! 

Should you have any queries about how to best support your child’s German language development, we would love to hear from you. 


Frau Ulrike Lindner 

Frau Megan Taylor 

Frau Sophia Kent