Phillip Island Adventure Camp

Year 3/4  - Camp Quotes

Bennett  – Year 4

It was really fun and exciting.  They had delicious food and nice staff.  The giant swing was the best because you can go really high.


Tailen  – Year 3

There was an awesome giant swing at camp.  It was a bit scary but so much fun.  Smith Beach was great because I got to build sandcastles with my friend Jett.  Camp was amazing!


Peyton  – Year 3

They had a zip line and giant swing which were amazing.  My favourite thing about camp was making pancakes for a task and staying in cabins with my friends. 


Oscar  Year 4

My favourite thing was the giant swing because when I went up to the top and fell down so quickly it felt like I passed out for 5 seconds because it was going so fast.  I really like the food; it was so tasty! Camp was amazing!


Cohen – Year3

Gaga ball was a big hit because you had to hit people’s legs with the ball.  I loved that we could play ping pong when we had spare time. Camp was brilliant. 


Amelia – Year 3

I loved the giant swing because you go 18 metres in the air and then you fall.  I also liked the Zipline because we got to have 2 turns and I was waving like the Queen to Ms Smith.  Camp as great and I can’t wait to go back!


Year 5/6 Camp Quotes


Dhiya, Year 5: “My favourite part of the camp was making the rafts, we kept falling in!”


Jack, Year 5: “I enjoyed canoeing and watching everyone fall in the water, we also were singing row, row, row your boat, it was really funny”


Sultan, Year 6: “I loved the Zip Line because I loved getting my heart racing with adrenalin 


Summer, Year 6:  “Canoeing was so much fun!”


Kaden, year 5: “My favourite activity was the flying fox, I loved the scary feeling and screaming when I was going down”


Nicolah, Year 5: “I liked how I got a bunk bed in my cabin, I got to sleep on the bottom bunk. We also had two bathrooms!”


Cylis, Year 6: “I loved that I got to face my fear of heights on the flying fox”