Literacy News

School Library Revamp

Over the past month we have been working hard to switch the library shelving to a theme based organisation. This has been a huge feat, and many of our amazing Grade 6 students have helped with the project. The library is now open again and the students have been able to explore the new layout and continue borrowing. 

The main purpose of this change (which is now in place in many other school libraries) is that students are exposed to a greater range of reading material and read more widely across genre, authors and topics. In the past week I have witnessed so many children excited as they discover books that we have always had here in the library, but they just did not know they were there! I am also encouraged by the amount of non fiction texts being borrowed, as our students engage with the variety of reading material in each theme. 



Book Club Special

As always, thank you for your support by ordering books through our Scholastic Book Club. There is a special offer for Issue 5, if you order through LOOP and spend $30 you receive a free book, $50 gets you 2 free books, and more than $70 means 3 free books! Details on how to order online through LOOP can be found on the order page in the catalogue.




Book Week

Our Book Week celebrations will be in Week 9 (5-9th September). This will include the Book Fair, dress up & parade, a special performance and many more book related activities over the week. More information will be provided closer to the time.