3/4 B

Week 2 Term 3

Welcome Back to Term 3!


In Literacy this term we will focus on a number of different areas. In Reading we will focus on the predicting and inferring strategy


When we predict, we: 

• Think about what will happen in the text before we read it. 

When we infer, we: 

• “Read between the lines” to figure out what the author is actually saying as we read.


We will be successful when we can: 

• Use the title and the pictures to predict what the text will be about before we read; 

• Use vocabulary, phrases and pictures from the text to infer what the author is saying as we read; 

• Give reasons to explain the predictions and inferences we make.


In Writing our focus will be on the Show, don't tell strategy. In this strategy we are writing to show the reader what is happening in the story, not just telling them. Telling someone what is happening is quick, but boring! When we show them what is happening, we use more descriptive and detailed language, involve our senses and use better vocabulary. The students enjoyed practising this strategy this past week by writing about a fictitious classroom food fight



Our Maths topics for term 3 are as follows:

- Number: Multiplication and Division

- Measurement - Length, Area and Perimeter

- Number: Fractions

- Statistics and probability - Chance (probability)


Students are given both pre and post assessments before and at the end of each unit to track their progress. Unit order and length of the unit are flexible and can change depending on student progress and interruptions to our learning. In week 7 this term we will be hosting a special Maths Open morning. Please keep an eye on the newsletter and the Skoolbag app for more details about this day!



Our Inquiry topic for term 3 is called Someone Else's Shoes. The students will learn about social justice issues experienced by people with disabilities. Being in someone else's shoes, allows us to imagine how we would feel and how we might act if we were them. They will also learn about the role that rules and laws play in our community. 

In this unit we will investigate: the organisations and aids that support people with disabilities, what it is like to live with a disability and the criteria for good rules and laws. 

We will ask essential questions like: 

How can we respect those who are different to us? 

What is it like to live with a disability? 

How can we make rules and laws that are fair for everyone? 

What can I learn from people who live with a disability?


Kaboom Sports

Yesterday our friends from Kaboom Sports came to StFX and ran through some activities with us. It was such a fun morning! With the 2022 Commonwealth Games from Birmingham fast approaching, it was a great opportunity to get out and get active! The whole school were split into smaller teams and rotated through a series of fun, challenging and exciting activities. The weather was beautiful, albeit a little 'fresh'.