Rebecca Durran
Year 12 Coordinator
Welcome to Semester 2, which brings a change of units, alongside a change in mindsets and goals for the remainder of the year that will ensure success as the end of the year draws closer.
Important reminders for the Senior Sub School
- Year 12 ISP sign in and sign out has commenced. Students who have returned their permission form and followed all the processes now have the privilege of signing in late and signing out early if they have study periods. We encourage Year 12 students to use this ‘Study Leave’ time wisely to ensure revision and work is completed in a timely manner.
- Missing SACs and the importance of Medical Certificates: if a Year 11 or 12 VCE student is absent on the day of a SAC or SAT a medical certificate must be provided, shown to your classroom teacher and the Senior Sub School Office to arrange a time to complete the task. Failure to do this may result in a ‘0’ and a redemption will need to be arranged.
- Subject selection for Year 11 students is fast approaching and more information will be given out at the beginning of Term 3. A change to note is the new Senior Certificate Reform which will replace our current VCAL program.
Our College continues to celebrate diversity and achievement in all forms.
This week for Refugee week we saw a lot of talent celebrated. A special mention to Angelle Mackay, Miles Agras and Irene Mulilo for sharing their talents with the whole school at our assembly on Thursday afternoon. The Senior Sub School also had four students who were recognised for their positive contribution to the College at our assembly, these students were Mackenzie Martin (Year 11), Levi Bowden (Year 11), Jorjah Brown (Year 12) and Jasmine Frost (Year 12).
Now Term 2 is coming to an end please use these two weeks holidays to revise, rejuvenate and relax and be ready to tackle the challenges and triumphs of Term 3.