Adam Bond
Junior Sub School Manager
Our first full semester in some time and what a journey we have had so far! In recent discussions, I have had with our Junior Sub School Student Managers we have noticed a positive difference in the attitude and behaviour of students from Term One to the end of Term Two. Most students are to be commended on their improvement in their approach to learning. Two weeks off will be a great reward for all school community members after our first full semester since 2019. We ask that during this time you ensure that anything required for school is organised. This may include uniform items, stationary or payment for camp.
In relation to Year 8 Camp, medical forms were due to be returned to the school on the last day of Term 2. If your child has not returned this form yet, please make sure that this is done on the first day of Term 3. A reminder that these camps will commence in Week 6 of Term 3 from 15 August. Part of the camp information included an equipment list, we ask that you go through this list well before the camp commences ensuring that you have all equipment required for the three days.
One thing that stands out for teachers at the start of a school term is the direct correlation between students that have developed and maintained healthy habits over the school holiday period. Students that become nocturnal couch potatoes, or full time gamers over the holidays really struggle to return to the school routines for up to a fortnight (not the game!) after returning to school, and sometimes longer. It is really important that students remain active, settle into good sleep routines and socialise with others during the holiday period. Given that we have recently had a change of subjects, please ensure that your child has all the necessary equipment for their new subjects which started the last week of Term 2.
We have several students from the Junior Sub School taking part in the school production, it would be great to see as many parents/carers present during one of the two productions during Week 8 of Term 3.
Green Entry Notifications
Well done to the following students on their green entries acknowledged by staff members in recent weeks!
Krista Taylor 7D
‘Continually leading the class with high scores in science.’
Lucy Baran 8A
‘Thank you for giving up your lunchtime to complete work that you had missed.’
Ha- Lien Nguyen 8G
‘Ha-Lien did an amazing job on her persuasive writing assessment task for our English class. She has worked hard on it for the past 6 weeks and should be proud of what she has achieved.’