School News

2015 Annual General Meeting and Parent Education Forum

The 2015 Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 4th March at 6:30 in Tirkandi.  There are two formal aspects to the AGM:

1. Reporting to the school community

2. Electing parents to the Governing Council


As LNPS undertook election by ballot through the newsletter last year the AGM will focus on reporting to the school community.  This will involve:

1. Presentation of the 2014 Governing Council achievements

2. Presentation of the 2014 Annual Report

3. Overview of the upcoming Site Improvement Plan


Following the AGM will be the first Parent Education Forum for 2015 - 'Empowering Learners at LNPS'. This session will focus on a number of topics that are school priorities in the future.

Assessment for Learning - Kim Martin

Engaging Learners - Kathryn Baker and Mike Tarleton

Inquiry Learning - Kathy Kite and Rosemary Saxon.


Please see the following attachment for further details.


AGM and Parent Education Forum Creche 

Creche will be available on the Wednesday 4th March for children of parents attending the AGM and Parent Education Forum. Please return the slip attached by Tuesday 3rd March if you would like to use this service. Parents are asked to drop their child/ren at OSHC from 6:15pm so the meeting can start promptly at 6:30pm. 


Parent Network

The Education Committee is seeking expressions of interest for the 2015 Parent Network. 


Parent Network involves volunteering to be the class parent for your child's class as a point of contact for parents and the teacher. This role is essential in supporting families and teachers to establish open communication channels and to support successful relationships with the school. 


If you would be interested in this role please complete the attached nomination form and return it to the Front Office by Friday 27th February. If you have any question please speak to your child's teacher or a member of Leadership.

Parent Meeting and Acquaintance Interviews Survey

Please click SURVEY to answer a short survey to give us feedback about the recent Parent Information Evenings and our Acquaintance Meetings. Thank you for your time.