Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)

Director's News
Maria Morello, Director
Phone: 8443 5308
Pupil Free Day
As you are aware we have a pupil free day on Friday 6th March 2015. Please indicate whether you require care for your child/ren for that day. We will require a minimum of 15 bookings to operate the service.
We will need to know by Friday 20th of February and you will be notified on Monday 23rd February if the service will be operating.
Parents who have children attending OSHC but are absent from school or picked up early from school, need to notify the service by phone on 8443 5308 ASAP as we have children on the waiting list.
OSHC Designated Area
Parents/ Caregivers please be aware that the OSHC children use the playground and oval area (near the goal posts) after school. This area needs to remain safe for all children at OSHC. To ensure this area is safe to use we ask that parents/children refrain from playing/sitting here after school to prevent incidents occurring. Parents will be asked to leave by the educators, if seen in the area. This will also include children who attend Greek school on Wednesday after school.
Thank you for co-operation with this matter!
OSHC Newsletter
OSHC newsletters are now available from the OSHC room, front office, attached below or online on the LNPS website. Please take the time to read our OSHC newsletter, as it will contain a few reminders for the term.
Vacation Care Newsletter
The December/January Vacation Care newsletter is now available from the OSHC room, front office, attached below or online on the LNPS website. Be sure to pick up a copy to see all the fun things we got up to these holidays!
Vacation Care Payments
A friendly reminder to all families that used Vacation Care during the December /January school holidays; all fees need to be finalized by the end of Week 4 to avoid any further action.