Sport News

School Soccer
The 2015 School Soccer season is fast approaching and the school is seeking parent volunteers who may be interested in being the School Soccer Delegate, coach or helper. If you would be interested please contact
This role could be shared amongst a number of parents to reduce the workload. If we are unable to find parents to support the program it will be very difficult to enter teams in the competition.
School Cricket
As a result of the hot weather last weekend, all matches for round 1 were cancelled. This weeks’ games are as follows:
A Grade (approx. 3 hr game)
LNPS vs Largs Bay (Away match)
Match location: Largs North Reserve, South Oval, Cnr Victoria Road and Dover Tce, Largs North
B Grade (approx. 2-3 hr game)
C Grade (approx. 2 hr game)
LNPS vs Nazareth (Home match)
All matches commence at 8.30am sharp, so arrival by 8.15am is recommended.
Please follow the links to attachments of match fixtures and rules for each grade. Please note that fixtures are subject to change, so parents are encouraged to also visit
Cricket Fees:
Many thanks to those parents who have already paid their cricket fees. Prompt payment is appreciated as fees provide the funding for the availability of cricket gear for use - please make payment of fees directly to the front office. Fees for A, B & C Grades are $50 for the full year (Term 1 and Term 4 each year). If there is uncertainty of continuing participation in Term 4, please liaise with the front office in relation to paying for Term 1 only ($25).
Cricket Coordinators:
Aaron & Annie McClement
0409 287 227 (Aaron) / 0458 442 609 (Annie)