Tirkandi Library

Rosie Thurston, Teacher/Librarian
2015 Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC)
What is the Challenge?
The PRC is a literacy engagement program that was introduced by the Premier in 2004 to:
- encourage students to read more books and enjoy reading
- Improve literacy levels
The PRC requires students to read 12 books from the beginning of the school year until early September.
All LNPS students are expected to complete the PRC at least once each year. Student Reading Record Sheets are available from your teacher, the Library, on this page or from the PRC website at www.prc.sa.edu.au
Choose your first book from your year level booklist (available on the PRC website). You must choose at least 8 of your 12 books from the PRC booklist.
In our Library, PRC books have stickers on them relative to student year levels: ie. PRC R-2 (red), PRC 3-5 (green), PRC 6-9 (blue).
After reading each book, carefully fill in your Student Reading Record and get it signed by your teacher, teacher/librarian or parent/carer. Then choose your next book!
Keep reading until you've finished 12 books and then place your completed Student Reading Record in our specially marked Library PRC box. Make sure your Full Name and Learning Area are clearly written and all books read have been signed by an adult. Keep on going and see how many books you can read!
The 2015 PRC finishes on 4th September!
Please find attached a copy of the 2015 Student Reading Record for printing:
Please see the PRC Information Brochure attached for more information:
Library Information
For information on our Tirkandi Library, including borrowing and our school PRC 'extra Incentives', see the attachment:
Be a Library Volunteer 2015
If you would like to become a volunteer helper in the Library in 2015, please see either Rosie or Julie or email Rosie. There are many jobs available including book covering, stickering readers, tidying/reshelving of books, repairing books and scanning of books ... no experience required!