Upcoming Events

2015 Term 1 Dates
Week 4:
20/2 9.00am Early Years Assembly
10.00am Volunteer Induction
7.00pm for 8.30pm start "Lego Movie" -
Family Movie Night
Week 5:
23/2 8.30am Yr 7 Aquatics
27/2 9.00am Whole School Assembly
Week 6:
4/3 School AGM & Education Forum
Week 7:
9/3 Adelaide Cup Day - Public Holiday
13/3 Torrens Assembly
2015 Pupil Free Days & School Closures
At the Governing Council Meeting on Monday 1st December 2014 the dates listed below were approved for Pupil Free Days and School Closure for 2015. There will be one further Pupil Free Day in Term 3 and this will be announced in Term 1.
6th March - Pupil Free Day LNPS
8th May - Pupil Free Day West Torrens Partnership
12th June - Pupil Free Day West Torrens Partnership
12th November - Open Night
13th November - School Closure
Upcoming Events - Term 3
Kid Biz Education
Family Evening Sessions
Wednesday 16/9/15
6:40pm - Where did we come from? (Reception to Year 4)
7:40pm - What's happening to us? ( Year 5 to Year 7)