Careers & VET News

University Opportunities
Take time to research and explore the opportunities available at all Universities. There is currently much on offer with Open Days, Explore Days, Early Entry, Webinars. These are terrific resources to assist you with your planning. You can speak to a current student on most university web pages. For assistance with these sites please see a Careers Team member.
Below we have highlighted a couple of examples:
Charles Sturt University McCarthy Visit
Mathew Griffin, Charles Sturt Marketing Coordinator and Student Recruitment and Grace (third year Paramedicine student) visited with Year 12 students on 8 June 2022 to answer questions regarding their application processes, course and accommodation options. It is always a valuable experience for the students to have this face to face opportunity. A reminder:
With Charles Sturt Advantage you can get a guaranteed spot in your course before you sit your final exams - a number of our students have already secured a place with the first round offers. Second round applications closed 24 June 2022 and offers are expected in late July. A third round application opportunity is available with the deadline being 4 September with an offer due late September.
Charles Sturt - HSC Study Days
Charles Sturt University are holding free HSC Study Days in the first week of school holidays (Tuesday 5 July – Thursday 7 July, 9:00am – 4:00pm) on their Bathurst and Wagga campuses run by accomplished HSC markers who have years of experience in HSC marking and exam committees. Sessions will cover Advanced and Standard English, Advanced and Standard Mathematics, and Chemistry.
During these sessions students will:
- Learn strategies and tips for their exams
- Receive practise questions and answers
- Receive detailed notes and sample questions
Registrations are essential and can be made here.
Here are the Facebook events (Bathurst and Wagga)
Bathurst -
Wagga -
University of Wollongong
Early Admission is UOW’s early offer program. Students who are successful for Early Admission will receive their offer/s in mid-October, allowing them to focus on giving their best performance in their HSC exams, knowing they have a place waiting for them at UOW*.
UOW’s Early Admission program opens on Monday 18 July at 9:00am. Applications close Friday 12 August 5:00pm. Students will apply directly via the UOW Early Admission portal
As in previous years, students can apply for two degrees at UOW, and will be required to answer four questions about their unique skills and attributes which allow UOW faculty staff to assess them on UOW’s Key indicators of success: Academic Readiness, Motivation and Passion, Planning and Persistence, and Communication and Collaboration. Attached is also a helpful guide that aims to provide an overview of the application process.
*Students must be eligible for an ATAR, complete their HSC/IB, and performance be on par with performance to date.
Early Admission “Ace your Application” Webinar
To support Year 12 students with completing their Early Admission applications, UOW will be running an Ace your Application Webinar specifically designed to cover the following:
- Early Admission Key Dates
- Application process
- Answering the 4 short questions
- Scholarships
- Interviews & Engagement Sessions
- Offers
The Ace your Application Webinar will be held at 6:00pm on Wednesday 20 July 2022 (In the first week of Term 3). Students can register for the Webinar via the link here.
UOW Open Day
At Open Day, students and guests can speak to staff, learn from current UOW students, explore the campus, have all their questions answered and see why UOW is rated 5 stars for student experience!
They may choose to take a tour of the vibrant campus, explore the accommodation options, join hands-on activities, check out specialty clubs, and attend study area zones to learn about the 360 degrees on offer at UOW. UOW’s Open Day will be held on Saturday 6 August 2022, at the Wollongong Campus.
Students can register for the Upcoming Open Day via the link here.
Agricultural Careers Expo
Students attended the Agricultural Careers Expo held at Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School where they had access to exhibitors and industry leaders to discuss their career pathways.
Speakers and presenters included: UNE, Southern Cross and Charles Sturt Universities, Elders, Killara Feedlot, Australian Training, Teys Australia, Thomas Foods Int.
Live demonstrations included: Drone Flying, Solar Tracker, Veterinary & Vet Nursing, Shearing and Wool Preparation, Quad and Two Wheeler Safety, A.I. Procedures, Equine Care and Handling and Working Dog Trials. A student Auctioneering Challenge was hosted by McCulloch Agencies and congratulations to Zoe Cosgrove who was the winner of the female section of this competition.
Year 10 VET Presentation
Year 10 Students were presented with the opportunities available to them for Vocational Education and Training Courses in 2023. Students are to return Expression of Interest Forms to the College Office by Friday 22 July (Week 1, Term 3). Meetings will be scheduled to discuss the students' individual VET preferences during Week 4 and parents are welcome to attend. We will advise meeting times once they have been finalised.
Industry employers who are interested in supporting our Student Bases Apprenticeship program are encouraged to contact Julie or Raelee to discuss how this can be utilised in your workplace.
Police Recruitment
Seb Lawler (Year 11) and Matthew Malcolm (Year 10), attended the Police Recruitment Practice Physical Capacity Testing (PCT) afternoon held at Calrossy on 14 June 2022. Officers Julie and Alison conducted the testing and provided hints, tips and current information to students interested in following a career pathway into the Police Force. Students who are interested in this career can see Mrs Balderston in the Careers Office for further details.
Work Experience
Students are currently involved in work experience programs with: St Mary’s Pre-School, Denison Street Early Learning Center, Stacks Law Firm, Australian Defence Force, Tamworth Veterinary Hospital, Greencross Vets and South Tamworth Hospital, Cummins South Pacific, Landscapefx. We thank these businesses for their support in assisting us with this opportunity for our students. If you have a business and are interested in hosting one of our students please contact Raelee via email to: or mobile 0472 711 331.
Apprenticeships, Traineeships, University Information, Jobs & Work Experience
We use Google Classrooms to announce positions vacant, opportunities and advertise University notices daily. Information is shared to students from suitable job searches and from direct links and enquiries from local employers and Universities.
Students are encouraged to join these Classrooms using the codes below:
- 2022 Part Time Jobs - class code o76i4pv
- 2022 Full Time Jobs - class code xehfpmy
- Apprenticeships, Traineeships & Work Experience - class code d6i57bo
- University 2023+ for Year 12 - class code 2yz6h6s
Term 3 - Upcoming Dates
- Week 1 Friday - VET Expression of Interest Form to be returned to College office
- Week 4 Tuesday and Wednesday - VET Expression of Interest Meetings
Susan Barrett - Careers Adviser (University & Subject Selection)
Julie Kellahan - VET Coordinator (SBAT and TVET)
Raelee Balderston - Careers & VET Support Officer (Transition to Work, Work Experience & Employment Options)