Boarding School News

Mrs. Kathryn Searle - Head of Boarding

I cannot wait until all girls return from holidays to see our new look Boarding House. Over the break, we have had renovations completed with a new look Reception area, including a new front door, and a bright repaint to the Lower McDonald Wing hallway and Dining Room. It looks amazing. Thank you to our wonderful Maintenance Team, led by our newly appointed Operations Manager, Trudi, for their dedication to having everything ready for us for this weekend.


Welcome to new students Alexa in Year 8 and Mani in Year 10, and their families, who have joined our boarding community this term.  A big welcome also to Tarra Dwinell who has joined the boarding team as a Weekend Boarding Supervisor.


The Boarding House will re-open on Sunday with all students expected to be in-house by 4:00 pm. Airport pick-ups will commence quite early on Sunday morning. If you require an airport collection for your daughter and have not sent through the itinerary as yet, please send through urgently so we can assist. Please note, Term 3 commences on Monday 11 July.  


As per the school’s Uniform Policy, please ensure your daughter returns to boarding school ready with no fake tanning, no acrylic nails, no false eyelashes, one natural coloured hair and only one piercing in each ear lobe.


You may have seen in the media that new variants of COVID-19 are expected again in the next few weeks.  Our students’ health and safety are always our priority, so please be reassured that Nurse Fiona will continue to administer daily health checks. If your daughter does receive a positive RAT result, we are blessed to be able to isolate her on-site in our Boarding House in one of our single ensuite rooms, which have been put aside specifically for this purpose.


Dr. Cousins and I will be visiting the Northern New South Wales area in mid-August on our way to AqQuip in Gunnedah and look forward to catching up with current, past, and enrolled boarding families and Old Collegians.


Welcome to Term 3!