Faith, Justice and Formation 

Parents at SPC Friday Morning Masses

We look forward to the day we can welcome parents back to Friday Morning Masses in the Chapel, but unfortunately it is not just yet.


With current guidelines and restrictions, if we were to invite parents, we would have to remove many of the students who attend Mass because of the capacity rule, and we would never want to do that as I am sure you understand.


Thank you for your patience. We will extend a massive invitation to you all when it is possible!

Parent Volunteers Needed for Night Patrol

The College has long been involved in Sydney Night Patrol, run by SVDP, with the pursuit to care for the homeless and less fortunate.


Thank you to the hundreds of families who are on our food donation roster for Night Patrol. You should all recently have received an email regarding this roster and what is needed.


We have students and staff making sandwiches and snack packs for our College rostered days, and we have staff, Old Boys and some parents (and ex-parents) on the roster to go out on Night Patrol.


One extra area of support we need is help to deliver the sandwiches and snack packs to the Lewisham base for Night Patrol. This has always been looked after by a wonderful group of parent volunteers, led by Melanie Yates. It simply requires taking the items in your car from the back of Waterford House at approx. 5.00pm/5.15pm and delivering them to Lewisham. Instructions will be given. 


If you would like to be on the roster to help with this or would like to ask a question, please email Melanie at We currently have four volunteers on this service and really need some more with the amount of food we need to transport. Thanks in advance for your service.


Gillian Daley

Director of Identity


Stepping Up to Clean Up!

Did you know that Australia alone makes over 76 million tonnes of waste?


On Sunday 7 March, volunteers from the St Patrick’s College Community participated in the Clean Up Australia Day campaign around Strathfield and the College. We had an amazing turnout of 150 boys and teachers that helped to supervise. In groups of approximately 15, the boys and teachers walked around the streets, armed with bags and gloves, looking for rubbish to collect and dispose of in a proper manner. 


Amazingly, the boys filled multiple large garbage bags with rubbish and other waste. We were so surprised by the amount of rubbish that a beautiful suburb like Strathfield had on its streets.

As a result of this successful clean up, the streets of Strathfield are cleaner. We hope that in future years, even more boys will step up to Clean Up. 


Alessio Cotroneo, William Ters, Gianni Cotroneo, Declan Giles

Faith in Action Team