IEC News

This term, the Multicultural Health Services have been delivering their exciting CHOICE program in which ten of our Stage 5 students have been participating. Lilly Rose of 51 said that at first, she “didn’t know what to expect,” but now she has a “really fun time.” Mr Apat comes to Evans IEC every Tuesday to run CHOICE, which focuses on relationships, communication and assertiveness. The program will wrap up in Week 8, but we hope to continue working with Multicultural Health Services well into the future. 


As usual, we always celebrate our birthdays in the IEC and we’d like to wish our lovely students, Bella and Love a big happy birthday for last week. We hope you had a wonderful day. 

Our Polynesian leaders: Mapa, Andrew, Malakai, Illaija and Rewiri have been rehearsing every Wednesday and Friday with the Haka Warriors in preparation for their upcoming competition with PCYC. Their fierce Haka is amazing to watch and it has been a pleasure seeing these young men become to passionate about and dedicated to their culture. 


Mr Agcanas is our tireless Green Team coordinator and he works hard to ensure that we always have an eager group of students who make Evans a more environmentally sustainable and beautiful school. Thank you Tara, Lilly Rose, Rallex and Karthik who have been gardening, recycling, watering and ensuring that Evans is always a nice place to be.


This term, Mr Chapman from the high school will be running drumming in the IEC. Twice a week, students will meet in the Drama Room and learn drumming rhythms and prepare a performance for our favourite event of the year; Harmony Day. 33 students have chosen to be a part of the drumming group. Mrs Liau said, “I really can’t wait to watch these performances at Harmony Day. It’s going to be fantastic.” 


This term Homework Centre is back up and running. Mr Morgan and Mr Agcanas along with high school teachers will be in the library on Mondays and Wednesday from 2:45pm – 4:45pm to help students with homework, assessment tasks and general literacy and numeracy. During this time on Monday, a new program called Mum’s the Word is also runningThe program is aimed at teaching our IEC mums some basic English skills and introducing them to other mothers from the community. It is a free program and is run on a volunteer basis by the teachers. Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided and many teachers have volunteered their time, so we encourage all of our mums to come down to the library on Mondays at 3:00pm. Please contact Miss Kavanagh if you have any questions. 


Mrs Pather, Ms Francis and Mrs Narayan have been coordinating the Student Leadership Team this term and what a great team they have put together. The team are a group of intelligent, engaged and creative students who will do a fantastic job of leading our Intensive English Centre. Congratulations to Crystal, Tara, Ekam, Medhat, Abbas, Ajulu and Arvish who were voted in by their classmates to represent the IEC. They will be attending weekly meetings, running assemblies and coordinating events in our community. 

Finally, Mrs Butt and Mrs Kubti, two of our wonderful SLSOs have initiated Reading Group at 8:00am Monday-Friday. Students who would like to develop their reading skills are invited to come to C1 during this time and read texts to improve their pronunciation, fluency and understanding. 


A big thank you to all of the IEC teaching and non-teaching staff who make the IEC such a happy place to be.