Faculty News

Mathematics Matters

A very warm welcome to all students, parents and caregivers. It has been a great start with Year 7’s transitioning to secondary schooling. At Evans, we use a range of teaching resources to support students’ learning. 


Our expectation is that every student comes well equipped to class with a scientific calculator, a 5mm grid exercise book (150-200 page) and the required stationery. Homework is set to support students review their skills, summarise their notes and develop strong and effective study skills.


All students doing Mathematics are required to have a scientific calculator. It is used extensively in classwork and in all examinations including NAPLAN and the Higher School Certificate. Students can purchase the Casio fx82AU Plus II at the front office for $20. Please note that mobile phones may not be used as calculators in class or in examinations. 


Students should be utilising Maths Online on a regular basis at home to consolidate their learning in class. Students will be given login details once the subject contribution fees are received. Parents are able to receive an email detailing what their child has achieved each week. If parents would like their child’s log in details, please email individual Mathematics teachers. Students are especially encouraged to enhance the speed and accuracy of their mental arithmetic skills with Speed Skills using the following link:




Awards will be presented to students with the most improved scores and the highest achievers in each class. 


In Mathematics, our main focus is the relentless endeavour to continuously enhance students’ learning and provide rich and engaging experience with their journey in Mathematics. We are implementing research based “Visible Learning in Mathematics and Talk Moves” strategies across all classes to support students. We also subscribe and use web-based applications such as Maths Online, Mathspace and Google Classroom to support students self-paced leaning needs. 


To improve numeracy and NAPLAN results, we are in the process of implementing whole school initiatives focusing on numeracy within all other key learning areas. In Maths, we are using Numeracy Ninjas and past NAPLAN examinations to support our students prepare for NALAN 2021. 




This term, Year 8 in TAS are focusing on the topic Paddock to Plate where students will get to learn about growing their own ingredients and then using them in our recipes during cooking lessons. Before the Year 8's can plant their own potatoes to grow they need to work out a solution to monitor their potatoes growth. So Year 8 have raised the "stakes" by creating some garden stakes with their names and interests burned into them, to mark which planted potatoes are their own. Year 8 are enjoying this topic so far and are really excited each time we get to cook!