Students of the Week

56A - Seth G - Trying hard to be focused, both on the floor and when working independently. Well done mate!

56B - Houston S - For having an awesome attitude to his learning and trying his best! Keep it up!  

56C -  Lillee C - For taking pride in her work and working to her best ability across all areas. Keep it up! 

56D - Alex G - For always having a great attitude towards his learning. Keep up the great work!

34A - Kody W - For being an amazing Eastie in and around our school

34B -  Alex W - For her wonderful efforts during all of our classroom learning. You have been working so hard Alex, keep it up!

34C - Connor D - For his amazing creativity and presentation of his Inquiry learning tasks.

34D - Aarav B - For always being organised, ready for his learning and giving everything a go. Fantastic work Aarav. 

12A - Mia M - For coming to school each day with a smile on her face. Awesome job. Keep it up!

12B - Lucy M - For being a great listener and always joining in class conversations.

12C - Charlie F - For being a great partner and working well with others.

00A -  Aaliyah D-L - Working hard to learn our classroom routines and being an active listener.

00B - Kade T - For always being an active participant in all classroom learning. Keep it up champion! 



56C - Daniel C - For trying his hardest during Essential Assessment and getting a great score. Keep up the great work!

34C - Sam G - For his super attentive listening during maths sessions and quick responses to maths questions given.

12C - Anna F - For her super effort in Maths when reading and making numbers with ‘tens’ and ‘ones’.

00A -  Gus W - For his amazing efforts when subitising a collection.



56C - Chloe M - For participating in Shared Reading to share her understanding of the author’s message when exploring themes. Well done!

34C - Tennessy E - For working hard to improve the accuracy of her spelling and presenting her handwriting beautifully during writing time.

12C - Mason A - For his excellent effort when writing the letters to match the sounds hears, in words. 

00A - Jackson H-M - For working hard to form all letters of his name correctly and completing all literacy tasks to a high standard. 



Level 3 Leaders
Summer Maths Challenge winner!
Literacy Award winner
Numeracy Award winners
Students of the Week
Literacy Award winners
Level 3 Leaders
Summer Maths Challenge winner!
Literacy Award winner
Numeracy Award winners
Students of the Week
Literacy Award winners