General Information

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to the students and staff that celebrate their birthdays this week: 

Holly O'Brien, Harriet van der Waal, Ruby Kneipp, Caitlin Kneipp and Mrs Hogan



Over the past few week's St Joseph's welcomed some new students:

Indie Lawson joined Stage 2 RED and Velvet Lawson became a part of Stage 1 BLUE, Jordan Burey joined Stage 3 BLUE and Mason Burey also joined Stage 1 BLUE. We hope their time with us here at St Joseph's is an enjoyable one.


SRC Report

This week each class will complete their 'flyoff' to find the two best paper aero planes. The two best examples will compete next week in a whole school competition. Please remember students are asked to pay $1.00 for each entry with a limit of two. 

We are also running a 'guess how many Easter eggs in a jar' competition. Entries cost 50c a guess or 3 guesses for $1.00. 

Could you please send in the correct money as we will not have change available. 

All money will go to Caritas

Thank you

Miss McShane, Mrs Core and SRC 

School Hats

The school has had to increase the cost of the school hat due to the increase in the purchase price from the manufacturer. 

The hats will now cost $15 each. Thank you for your understanding.

Lost Property

As the term comes to an end it would be an appropriate time to check all the clothing and hats are actually your child’s. Often children take home a hat or jumper, by accident, that isn’t theirs. If your child does have a hat or jumper or any other item that isn’t theirs, please return to the lost property at the school so they can be given back to their owners. 


For you to ponder!!!

Missing 1 or 2 days a week of school doesn’t seem much but ………

If your child misses…That equals….Which is….And over 13 years of schooling that’s….
1 day per fortnight20 days per year4 weeks per yearNearly 1 & ½ years 
1 day per week40 days per year8 weeks per yearOver 2 & ½ years
2 days per week80 days per year16 weeks per yearOver 5 years
3 days per week120 days per year24 weeks per yearNearly 8 years

How about 10 minutes late a day? Surely that won’t affect my child?

He/she is only missing just….That equals….Which is….And over 13 years of schooling that’s…
10 mins per day50 minutes a weekNearly 1 & ½ week’s per yearNearly ½ year
20 mins per day1hr 40 mins per weekOver 2 & ½ weeks per yearNearly 1 year
30 mins per dayHalf a day per week4 weeks per yearNearly 1 & ½ years
1 hour per day1 day per week8 weeks per yearOver 2 & ½ years