Performing Arts

Performing Arts


So sorry to the Preps, Grade Ones and Grade Twos. I couldn't view their response to their Seesaw assignments and watch their very cute videos that they make, due to the storm cutting the power and the internet being out of action. We have only just had our internet restored so I am hoping to respond to their assignment over the next couple of days. 


Production - Oh What a Knight

So sorry to the production students, who I was hoping to do another rehearsal on Google Meet last Thursday. As mentioned above our internet was cut due to the storms. I had to send a message to the students, via the production google page, sitting in my car under a mobile tower, 'hot spotting' my phone, to let them know it couldn't go ahead.


Let's try again shall we?..........


Could I please see the following students this Tuesday in the theatre at the lunch eating bell - 


Lester Lugabout

Bad Bill

Bad Ben/Brianna

Bad Bob/Bonnie

Bad Bert

Bad Brian



Black Knight


Cindy Calvin

Katie Klein






Thank you.


Any queries, please don't hesitate to email me.


Mrs Jenes