Four year old program 

All Groups have had a very productive start to Term 2.

All children were involved with making their mum a gift for Mother’s day, (however big or small). In purple group each child was asked a series of questions all about their mum. Some of the answers were hilarious, with one mum being 100 years of age!, and “cleaning up and doing the vacuuming” was a favourite pastime!!.

The children are really enjoying playing board games. This experience gives children the opportunity to engage in turn taking and following a set of rules. Turn taking is a valuable skill for making friends, waiting, being patient, negotiating and problem solving. Children need opportunities to practice turn taking. ... This helps develop a sense of fairness in a tangible way children can understand. Some of the games we have been playing are dominos, memory, snail’s pace race and the shopping list game (memory game).

We were extremely fortunate to receive funding at the beginning of the year to purchase The Ginnie and Pinney Learn and Grow emotional development programme. This programme is specifically written to assist children to develop ethical thinking, emotional intelligence and social and emotional intelligence. Ginnie & Pinney aims to increase the ability of young children to empathise, socialise and make ethically intelligent decisions, thereby enhancing their ability to interact successfully with others.

The program includes 8 story books with each book exploring a primary emotional theme which include: • empathy • kindness • how your actions affect others • overcoming fear • learning to say sorry • making amends • appreciating differences • using imagination • patience • delaying gratification • self-discovery • learning to find your strengths • enhancing creativity.

We also have the books in Mandarin if parents would like to borrow one to read at home. (Please see staff for more information)