Year 6 RE Test

The Year 6 RE test is tomorrow,  Wednesday 14 October 2020.

All Year 6 students in the Diocese of Armidale will sit the test tomorrow. The test consists of 30 multiple choice questions which covers content students have learnt throughout their Catholic Education. 

3/4A Mass - Catholic Mission

3/4A will celebrate Mass on Friday 16 October at 9:15am, focusing on Catholic Mission. October is known as World Mission month.  The focus country this year is Cambodia, where the Church seeks to provide shelter, food, education, and life fulfilling opportunities for children in need, especially those with disabilities. 

Holy Trinity have already collected donations for Mission month by giving a percentage of the money raised from Jump Rope for Heart and also the ice-creams that were sold last term, raising over $400. Thank you everyone for your support of Catholic Mission.

Family and friends of 3/4A are welcome to attend the Mass on Friday. Please remember social distancing and to sign in at the church.

Mary, Our Lady of the Rosary.

The month of October is dedicated to Mary, our Lady of the Rosary. It’s hard to image a more versatile prayer than the Rosary, and maybe that is part of its enduring popularity over so many centuries.  It is often the go-to prayer for groups and families, perhaps because it bypasses group dynamics and even young children can take turns at leading the Hail Mary and the Our Lord’s Prayer.


The Rosary is useful for other reasons too:

  • It suits beginners as well as experienced rosary prayers, since you don’t need to know all the traditional prayers, which can be read out.
  • There is no creativity involved, no thought required except for a gentle calling to mind of the mystery being prayed.
  • It is a vocal as well as a mental and contemplative prayer. It can be spoken or sung, it suits people at any level of prayer and who are comfortable with very different ways of praying.
  • It engages the senses. It includes visual, auditory and tactile elements; the images you call to mind or look at in a booklet or on a screen, or statues, the sounds of the prayers, and the counting off of the beads.
“The rosary is a contemplative and Christ-centred prayer, inseparable from meditation of the Sacred Scripture. It is the prayer of the Christian who advances in the pilgrimage of faith, following Jesus, preceded by Mary,” Pope Benedict XVI.

Exerts: October 2011 edition of CathFamily.

For the Calendar:

Term 4 2020

14 October - Year 6 RE Test

16 October - 3/4A Mass, SHC at 9:15am

23 October - 5/6B Mass, SHC at 9:15am

30 October - 3/4W Mass, SHC at 9:15am

27 November - Year 6 Mass, SHC at 9:15am

4 December - Year 10 Graduation Mass, SHC


Enjoy the week and God bless, 


Mary-Jane Guest

Religious Education Coordinator