Mrs Jillian Rainger

Welcome to Week 1

Welcome back to Term 4 in this very different year. It was wonderful to visit classrooms yesterday and see our students already hard at work. 

This term we have Miss Melanie Dyer working in our Front Office for 5 weeks whilst Mrs Michelle Swadling is taking leave. Also, Mrs Dal Santo will be taking leave from the end of this week until the end of Week 4. Mrs Cathy Koch will be acting Assistant Principal (Primary) during this time.  

We also welcomed two new families to our school this term. Huxly in 1/2D and Layla in 8M welcome!

We received good news at the end of the term regarding our ability to have transitions. Therefore, we will be having Kinder and Year 7 transition programs this term. A letter will go home to our 2021Kinder enrolments and our Year 6 students outlining the dates and activities by the end of the week.


This term we are planning our annual end of year events such as Year 10 Graduation and Mass, Thanksgiving Mass and Presentation Night/Commendation assemblies. More details will be provided in coming newsletters as these events will look different this year.


I am looking forward to another great term with all our students and staff. Next week is Book Week and we are celebrating in a different way this year to meet COVID 19 requirements. We are missing having our families in our school and hope that next year we are able to have our parade.


This term we are focusing on our rights. At Holy Trinity we have the right to:

  • Reach our full learning potential in a safe and supportive environment (Work hard)
  • Be treated with respect, courtesy and kindness (Be kind)
  • Be an active part of, and contribute positively to our community (Join in).

We are starting the term with a reminder to "be kind". In K-6 on a Wednesday this term students are able to play with different year groups. K-2 will be able to play with anyone on their playground and 3-6 to play with anyone on their playground. We would love to move away from set areas and set guidelines to our play and when everyone follows the premise of being kind we hope this can happen.


If you have any concerns, questions or positives please email me on:


Have a good week,



Around our school

Mrs Tracie Higgins is our Aboriginal Education Assistant. Tracie's role involves working closely with our Aboriginal students and families to improve their learning outcomes. She also works with teaching staff to help them incorporate Aboriginal perspectives into our students' learning as required by the NSW curriculum. Tracie also works towards organising whole school events and activities to celebrate important days on the ATSI calendar.

Learning @ HTS

At the end of last term Year 7-9 learned in a different kind of way. The secondary staff organised a range of activities to encourage students to take risks and learn at the same time. From leadership and internet safety to cooking and fishing the students had a range of opportunities. Check out this short clip to recap the week.

RED (Read Every Day)

This term in Kindergarten to Year 6 we are trialling a new format for homework. We are encouraging the students to Read Every Day. All students would have received a red reading log to record their nights of reading. Please encourage them to read ... there are so many types of things to read...some suggestions can be found on the reading log. We ask that they return their log on Friday so it can be checked by teachers. As this is the first week we are celebrating the return of the log by encouraging students to wear a touch of RED on Friday. It could be a t-shirt, ribbon, pair of socks.