General News 

Administration News and Weekly Awards

Presentation Day

Please remember we have a limit of 2 parents/carers per child for our Presentation Day on Thursday the 3rd of December.  Parents and carers must return the RSVP, filled in with details to adhere to our current COVID protocols.


Yr 5 Captains Speeches

Yr 5 students will be presenting their Captains Speeches to the school on Monday 30th November at 12:30pm in the parish hall.  Yr 5 parents are welcome to attend but need to be COVID safe; please stay home if you are unwell, you must sign in and sanitise your hands on arrival and you must socially distance from other parents in the venue and outside of the venue.  


Tea Towel Fundraiser 

Orders have been closed and printing of our beautiful 2020 Christmas tea towels will begin soon.  Thank you very much to everyone who supported this fundraiser.  We hope you enjoy your fun and quality tea towels when they arrive. 


School Fees

All school fees must be finalised by Friday, 4th December, 2020.  Payments can be made at any time via Qkr or EFT direct into the School's bank account (Ref: surname and fee statement number). Thank you to those families who pay their fees promptly; this helps so much with our school budget.  ADIG has made changes to the Direct Debit dishonour process and letters went home to those with a Direct Debit on Thursday, 29 October, 2020. If you are experiencing difficulty paying your school fees, please make an appointment to speak with our Principal, Mrs Pauline Long, ASAP.


Year 6 - Notification of Student Leaving School

Forms have already gone home with students.  Please return these by Friday, 4th December, 2020.


Please read the link above as it refers to school travel for your child in 2021. Not everyone needs to reapply for a pass but students beginning school or moving on to high school may need to.

Term 4, Week 6 Awards

Infants Awards

Reuben Shaw for great listening, speaking and action skills when learning about position in Mathematics.

Oliver Bowley for improved focus in class, listening carefully to instructions and trying hard to complete activities independently.

Rita Armstrong for being an enthusiastic learner even when work challenges her.

Primary Awards

Paige Hanigan - for engagement in her learning this week. 

Chase Slade - for being a quiet and conscientious student at all times.

Jai Billingham - for working hard on his addition and subtraction skills this week.

Student Leader Awards

Mrs Long - for organising a fantastic Brain Olympia event! 


Selective Schools for 2022

Parents from your school may wish to apply for selective high school placement in Year 7 in 2022. This is the link to a copy of the booklet Placement in selective high schools for Year 7 entry in 2022.  


From Quirindi High School

We look forward to welcoming Year 6 students (QHS Year 7 students 2021) to Quirindi High School on Tuesday December 1st. The Day will start at 9am and conclude at 1pm.


Guidelines for the Orientation day include:

  • Minimal contact with the high school students and staff.
  • Any student who has not returned an enrolment form CANNOT attend Orientation Day.
  • Students who are unwell with flu-like symptoms CANNOT attend.

Year 6 students are taking home a flyer from the high school today. Please also view the link to the latest video from QHS here.