Wellbeing Officer

Our differences are BIG gifts!

Hello lovely families, 


We are all so different!


Even when we come from the same family, we are sometimes surprised to see how different we are; our upbringing and language can be the same and yet we can see the world so differently.   We receive a lot of information from the big wide world out there.   We use our five senses to interpret this information and make it our own.   As the eldest of 4 children I can see that we're all so different!   How can this be?


Every human being that has ever lived, or ever will live, is unique.   You are truly one of a kind.   We all know that we as humans, share the usual bits and pieces that most of us have in common, such as certain essential body parts — a head, a heart, a brain, and so on. But the similarity ends there.


Our life experiences to this point have made us who we are.   The way we were brought up by our parents -our values, beliefs- along with our own behaviour, influence the things that we learned in our childhood.   They have all come together to make us different from anyone else.   We may have learned some things in a similar way to other children, such as having respect for your fellow man, the need to “clean up your room!” or to "brush your teeth twice a day" and so on.   Yet we will have also learned many things that other children didn't, like how to care for a rabbit, play a musical instrument, build a fort in the woods or work out complex trigonometry problems.


It is the combination of everything that we have learned and the various things that we have done that makes us truly different from everyone else on this planet.   There is no one who is identical to you. It is rather like an artist painting a picture; even if another artist were to copy the picture as closely as possible it would never be identical.   Different brush strokes or combinations of paint would have been used, and each masterpiece is its own.  So since you are unique, why not celebrate that fact?   Dare to be your own person and disregard what others may think. 


As our senior students start to really start to think about who they are, who they want to be and what they bring to their new school environments they might start to reflect on stuff they may not have even thought relevant before within the safety of their known peer group. 


My encouragement to you as parents, is to keep those conversations open with them. Reflect together and celebrate their uniqueness!   Because whatever they do and whatever they take with them into their new school and peer groups, will be amazing and wonderful.   There will be so much strength in the confidence to be exactly who they are.


Have a wonderful week and stay safe.



Wellbeing Officer




P.S. The Caring Casseroles rotation is a group of parents who are willing to make meals on a rolling roster type system so that when a family in our community is in need, then a lovingly prepared meal can be delivered to them to make their lives that little bit easier for a day.  And we have need in our community right now!


If you or your child has a heart for others, and you enjoy being able to care in a practical way, then this is a great chance for you to be a part of a great team to do just that!


All you need to do, is express your interest and I’ll put you on the rolling roster to cook a meal every now and then.  We can then pop it in the school freezer ready to give at the appropriate time. It would be fantastic to get this up and running for the remainder of the year.


If this sounds like you and/or your child could please let me know as soon as possible.






Please include my name in the rotation for the caring casserole support program at Weeden Heights Primary School:




Contact Number:__________________________________________________



Child at WHPS: ____________________________________  Class: ________