Community Noticeboard

Shindo Karate special offer

Level Crossing Removal - works 

2021 Kindergarten

See message from Hobsons Bay City Council:


Mount St Joseph Girls' College

We are pleased to offer you a 360 degree virtual tour.  To learn more about our vision and community, you can view the video About Us.

Our prospectus is available to download and view. Enrolments for 2022 and beyond : online enrolment system

CLICK HERE to read the latest newsletters.

Emmanuel College

This is our second last communication to you for the year as this unusual year begins to wind down. While we are approaching the closure of the school year there is still lots going on at Emmanuel. Students are completing exams and undertaking Headstart classes to prepare them for next year. The Year 12s are getting ready for their graduation, which will look very different this year, but, has been really well embraced by students, families and staff.  Teaching staff are already looking towards the planning of next year’s curriculum.

As one group are coming to the end of their time at the College, we are excited about the next group to join us. Orientation will look a bit different for next year’s Year 7s this time too, with a video link to be sent to schools and families in early December, followed by an Orientation Day style event in January next year. Letters have been sent to families already about this. Then of course we are also working on finalising our lists for Year 7, 2022. Offers were sent to families last Tuesday by email and acceptance of those offers needs to occur prior to 1 December, 2020. If there are any questions about this, please contact Ms Jenny Hendricks on 8325 5100 or at

In very exciting times, Catholic Education Melbourne have permitted the early release of enrolment offers for Year 7, 2022. They were distributed electronically to families on Tuesday 17 Nov. Please read the documentation carefully for instructions on what to do and which forms need to be returned. If you have any questions about this, please contact the College Registrar by email; or call on 8325 5119.

This year we have connected some of our Year 11 students with old-collegians who work in the field where our students wish to build a career. The program, called Nexus, has been very successful, even through the adversity of COVID restrictions. The students have developed wonderful mentoring relationships with people who are experts in their field. Not only has this given the students an insight into a career, but, in many cases the relationships have had added experiences and benefits for the student, such as invitations to seminars, visits to workplaces (pre-COVID) or the provision of materials. The students have loved the experience and the mentors have found it very rewarding. We have mentors supporting the students from the fields of; medicine, policing, pharmacy and commerce, we will be looking to continue and expand this project in future years to take in many more fields of work.


Outside of School Hours (OSH) care (Before and After School Care) is provided by OSHclub, on site at Queen of Peace Primary School.  Children must be pre-registered on line to attend.  More information can be found by clicking this link OSHclub .  Many families are eligible for Child Care Subsidy, which reduces the out of pocket cost of outside school hours care. To establish what level of CCS you may be entitled to please contact the Centrelink Family Assistance Office on 13 61 50. 

OSH at QoP Program  0421 287 254

OSH Head Office 8564 9000

Cancellations: 48 hours' notice is required for cancellation of a Before or After School booking.

Cancellations can only be made through the following means:

  • Online - Log into your account at
  • Phone - Contact the customer service and billing team on 1300 395 735
  • Text - SMS the Coordinator of the program on 0421 287 254 and include all details: child's name, date and session you wish to cancel.

OSHClub News

Dear Queen of Peace families,
We are so happy to see you all and could not be more excited to greet you and watch our service booking numbers slowly grow. OSHclub is now located in the hall in the former Conference room. We have a beautiful sunlit room surrounded by the Queen of Peace “Peace Garden”.
We have decorated our room with kids' work and made a spring birthday wall. We also have our own sustainable vertical garden and are using recycled plastic bottles as planters. Children have already adjusted back to the routine and are enjoying their time doing their favourite activities. 
As the weather is warming up please provide a spare hat for you child to use while they are at the program.  No hat, no outdoor play!
Currently parents and guardians are unable to sign in and out their children due to the current Covid-19 guidelines. Upon dropping and collection of your child/ren, please call the service phone and the educator will meet you at the hall entrance to complete the sign in/out process.
Kind regards,
Geeta, Antoinette and Ashleigh

Summer Lacrosse 

Hobsons Bay City Council

Hobsons Bay UP Victorian Youth Week (month!)



Thanks to 'This Girl Can' and VIC Health, Hobsons Bay City Council is in consultation with an accredited exercise physiologist and has developed physical activity cards for women in our community. The physical activity cards come in four packs:

  • 18-60 Year Old
  • Over 60
  • Postnatal and
  • Wheelchair workouts

The activity cards can also be found in 10 languages; English, Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Maltese, Punjabi and Vietnamese.

The Activity cards can be found :


For more information please contact Melissa via email :