News from Around the School

Grade 2 Camp Day

This Thursday, the Grade 2s will be taking part in their Camp Day for 2020. The day will  have a "birthday party" theme to recognise the fact that so many children missed out on celebrating their birthdays with their friends because of the COVID lockdowns and Remote Learning. The children will take part in fun activities such as making and eating fairy bread, completing a QR code Scavenger Hunt around the school, egg and spoon races and group games with a parachute. They'll then satisfy their appetites by having a pizza lunch and end the day with a movie and popcorn. Each class has been busy building a giant pinata, which they will have fun in smashing to see what is hiding inside! 

-Mrs Fava & the Grade 2 team

NGV or QoP?

The latest collection of QoP students' colourful, striking and impressive artwork is on display in the office.  Thank you Mrs Rigby and our creative students for brightening up the foyer!

Preps enjoying 'Everyone's a Superhero' day

Celebrating Student Achievements

Mia M (5A) was awarded the '2019/2020 Champion Best Swimmer' in her age group in the Metro West district. Mia also broke the record for the 100m butterfly, a great achievement.  Well done Mia on your continued successes!  Despite the challenges 2020 has presented, we are sure you have learned to adapt, be resilient and determined to keep up your swimming training.

Thank you for your contributions
Thank you to those families who have purchased books from Book Club  this year. Purchasing books from Book Club allowed our school library to receive around 150 free books this year as a reward, which the children all get to enjoy! 

- Mrs Favata, Librarian

Investigations with Preps

Online ordering for Uniform Shop and Canteen lunches

Don't forget to sign up for a QuickCliq account. 

Please also ensure select the right lunch break for your child, don't just let it default to Prep-2! Antoinette's life is made much easier when the student's order is 'booked' for the correct lunch time slot.  With current staggered lunch breaks, she is now able to have meals freshly made and hot at just the right time, for both junior and senior breaks.

Past students visiting QoP



Bathers Clearance Sale

Uniform Shop is clearing all bathers stock.  A limited number of black and maroon bathers for girls and boys are available for purchase online through QuickCliq

Prices range from $6 to $15.

Lost Property

Is your child missing a jumper, hat, coat, drink bottle, etc? Please ask your child to check the Lost Property box which is located (undercover) just outside the office.  Don't forget to name EVERYTHING so that items can be returned.  Surname preferred.  **During the last week of every term, the box will be emptied, with all goods donated to charity or thrown out**


Be Sun Smart

A reminder that QoP has a 'No Hat, No Play' policy in force in Terms 1 and 4.  All children and staff members must wear a hat when outside. CLICK HERE to read the Uniform Policy or refer to the 2020 INFORMATION BOOKLET. The summer uniform should be worn during Term 1 and 4 however, we do suggest to parents that their children may wear the uniform which is most comfortable and appropriate to the weather on a given day.

Be Prepared for Thunderstorm Asthma Season

Thunderstorm asthma can be very serious for people with asthma, so it is important to be thunderstorm asthma aware and prepared for the upcoming thunderstorm season, as a thunderstorm asthma event may occur while children and staff with asthma or hay fever are in your care. 

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, there is a greater risk of an Epidemic Thunderstorm Asthma event occurring this year due to a wet spring encouraging grass growth. This is caused by the La’Nina effect, which usually means above-average winter-spring rainfall for Australia. 

Thunderstorm asthma events are believed to be triggered by an uncommon combination of high grass pollen levels and a certain type of thunderstorm, causing pollen grains from grasses to be swept up in the wind and carried long distances. Some pollens can burst open and release tiny particles that are concentrated in the wind just before the thunderstorm. These small particles get deep into the airways and can trigger asthma symptoms, an asthma flare up or attack.

Learn more about thunderstorm asthma here 


Thunderstorm Asthma information sheet.


Free Asthma First Aid training online. 


Five ways to get ready for Bushfire Season

Tips for Packing a Healthy Lunchbox