Wellbeing at QoP

Acts of Kindness Calendar

It's so easy for us to get lost in all the things happening around us. Focusing on our children's classes for next year, updates on restrictions, Christmas plans and shopping and our daily routines. We sometimes forget that our happiness can come by caring for others.


This December, let's spread a wave of kindness and choose an act of kindness from the calendar.  You may decide on an act as a family and cross off a square each day leading up to Christmas or even add in your own idea. 

THANK YOU to all our SUPER families and children!

On November 10 we held 'Everyone's A Superhero Day'.  Children were invited to dress as a superhero and bring a donation to support Riley and Cooper at Queen of Peace.

What an overwhelming and emotional response! The total amount raised was $1,578! This money will go towards an inclusive playground that all children, including Riley and Cooper can use. A sandpit will be the first item to get the ball rolling.   But it wasn't just the financial support that was inspiring! Riley and Cooper's mum Rebekah chatted to classes via Google Meet and discussed what Duchenne Disease means and how it affects the boys. Rebekah answered questions such as why the boys require electric scooters, how genetics played a part in diagnoses and everyday things that are difficult for children with DMD to carry out. The maturity and empathy the children displayed was genuine and sincere.  But it didn't stop there! Gabriella in 5A turned up to school a few days later with homemade scrunchies to sell. Gabriella had spent time with her Mum learning to use the sewing machine so that she could make scrunchies. She sold every single one and donated $230 towards the cause! What a magnificent act of kindness!

Once again thank you to every single one of you who help support this day.



Cooper and Riley also kindly thanked their QoP friends
Cooper and Riley also kindly thanked their QoP friends

All About Kindness

It must have been the superpower vibe that kicked off the presence of a contagious kindness virus all around the school!

From Gabby donating proceeds from her scrunchies, to children lining up to support the Poppy Appeal on Remembrance Day and welcoming greetings for our three new students, many examples of kindness were very noticeable! 

Teachers handed out Kindness Awards to children that displayed care and consideration towards others. Some examples were 

  • waiting for and walking in a teary classmate into class in the morning.
  • giving up a cushion to another child who missed out during mindfulness.
  • helping to pack a friend's school bag at the end of the day.
  • walking a hurt friend to sick bay.

Directed Play - Term 4

Everyone is welcome to join!

Annual Christmas Toy Drive!

If, like Mrs Te, you did  many cupboard clean outs during our time at home, you may have realised you have way too many new toys tucked away. 


If you would like to donate these toys to West Welcome Wagon who will generously hand them to families of asylum seekers, please drop them off in the container in front of the school office by Friday 11 December or to any Hobson's Bay Library.  



Marisa Te, Wellbeing Leader
Marisa Te, Wellbeing Leader