Religion News


A Message from Father John:

Yes we are open and

we can now gather in greater numbers

This is good news. I look forward to seeing you again as we begin to gather in bigger numbers for Eucharist and Fellowship.

Weekday Mass Schedule

Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 9:15am at Queen of Peace

Weekend Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil 6pm Queen of Peace

Sunday 8am and 11am Queen of Peace

9am Stella Maris and 10am St Martin’s


Saturday 10am – 10:30am Queen of Peace


As we open wide our doors again be assured that we are making every effort to follow all the necessary protocols under our COVID 19 plan.

  • Designated places for seating. Family groups may sit together.
  • Sanitiser is available
  • At the end of each mass we will be asking one or two people to wipe down the pew.
  • Social distancing while coming to communion.
  • Masks must be worn at all times, even when coming to communion.


Booking is not required for weekday mass but is required at this stage for all our weekend Mases. Please call on either 9369 6877 or 0409 499 226. Please clearly and slowly leave your name, how many seats are required and your phone number. You can also book via email:

As a way trying to manage the bookings we will book 80% of the current approved capacity, giving us 20% of flexible booking. Please note that just turning up on Sunday hoping to have a seat for Mass may mean that there is no place available.


The great news last weekend was that we can have 150 at Mass. Even though this is the maximum number we can have in attendance, the size of our Mass Centres will determine the exact number.

St Martin de Porres: maximum 100

Queen of Peace: maximum 120

Stella Maris: maximum 120

Additional support from our Ushers and other parishioners will be need to help welcome parishioners back and record names.

Arriving early will help with not overcrowding at the tables that record the names.

Please note changes for the following dates for weekday Mass. There will be no weekday Mass on Wednesday 2nd, Friday 4th, Saturday 5th and Wednesday 9th December. There will also be no Reconciliation on Saturday 6th December.


In the next few weeks, Queen of Peace Church will be cleaned top to bottom by professional cleaners. If this does interfere with the celebration of Mass, we will let you know in advance.


Further information regarding our Christmas Schedule will available in two weeks’ time when our Christmas Newsletter will be sent out with current parish news.


As we begin our new Church Year this weekend with the First Sunday of Advent I pray that as a Nation and a Church we make further steps out of the restrictions and effects of COVID 19 so that we can celebrate our faith and be with family.


With Every Blessing

Fr John

A Message from Father John regarding Sacraments in 2021

Greetings as we begin to take further steps out of our COVID-19 restrictions.
Many of you have been asking questions about the Celebration of the Sacraments.  After conversation with each of the school Principals, REL’s and guidelines from the Archdiocese I can give the following as a guide for next year.  The one uncertainty in all of this is that we cannot predict the number that will be able to gather next year. With the information we do have, the following will give you an idea of when the Sacraments for the students who missed out this year and those students of 2021 will be celebrated in 2021. 
Sacrament Schedule for 2021
Confirmation for our Grade Six students who missed out this year:
An invitation and date will be sent out in early February for a celebration in mid- March
Eucharist Students 2020 and 2021 classes:
The Month of May has been set aside for the celebration of First Eucharist
Confirmation Students 2021:
The Month of July has been set aside for the celebration of Confirmation
Reconciliation Students 2020 and 2021 classes:
2020 students will celebrate their First Reconciliation during first term in 2021. 
2021 Grade 3 students will celebrate their First Reconciliation during Fourth Term
Please note these celebrations will take place during school time.
Be assured that as a parish we will give you plenty of notice with regards dates, times and places.
Confirmation of those students who missed out this year will be celebrated by Fr John.
Confirmation of our 2021 students will most likely be celebrated by our Regional Episcopal Vicar in the light of us currently not having a Regional Bishop.
Whatever our numbers may be in 2021, we will ensure that your children and families will have a prayerful and memorable celebration of their journey in faith.
Yours in Christ
Fr John
Parish Priest

St Vincent de Paul: Adopt a Family for Christmas

For the last couple of years, staff at QoP have donated money to a cause at Christmas time instead of doing a staff KK. This year, in lieu of donating money to a particular cause,  staff are putting together Christmas hampers for families in need in our parish.

We have some spare envelopes and wondering if there are any school families who would like to also collect an envelope and make up a hamper to donate too?  Please call the school office 9369 2581 to arrange.

Once the hamper has been made up, attach the envelope and deliver to the Parish Office on the morning of Friday December 4.  Here are some ideas of things to pop into the hampers:


Here is a suggested list of items that you may be able to include or select from:

Tinned ham/salmon

Tinned or dried- peas, carrots, veggies/ tinned or instant potatoes

Gravy Mix

Christmas pudding/ Custard (long life) / something for dessert

Jelly crystals/ two fruits/tinned fruit/ fruit jelly cups

Crackers/ savoury dibbles

Tinned cocktail sausages

Mixed Nuts/ flavoured popcorn/chips

Pancake shake mix

Christmas Cake/ Panatoni / Fruit Cake

Mince Pies/ Asst biscuits/Shortbread

Christmas bon bons/ lollies/candy canes/ chocolate/marshmallows/ after dinner mints.

Cordial/ coffee/tea/ juice/tetra juice packs

Anything you think your family would like to eat for a meal at Christmas time.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me.  Thank you for your generosity in advance. 


  • Suzanne Gracias, 
    Religous Education Leader


Holy Trinity Parish




Catholic Education Today

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