a revolutionary evening

Peter B
Peter B

Peter Biancofiore

Year 12

The visit by Peter and Mark on the 11th was a great resource as we were able to hear the perspectives and opinions of two professionals, as well as some sound advice on how and what to study in preparation for our exams. The event had a light-hearted and amicable feel to it, but was also educational and informative. The opinions of the two historians were discussed and debated by myself and my classmates the next day. Many thanks to Mrs Pierce for organising the event and I hope that future year levels can have a similar experience. 



Elena C
Elena C

Elena Caffrey

Year 12

Peter McPhee and Mark Edele's lecture on the French and Russian revolutions was interesting and fun. It was very helpful for my revision and I really enjoyed being able to listen to experts and ask questions. The lecture really helped extend my understanding of the two revolutions. 


Hannah H
Hannah H

Hannah Harms  

Year 12

It was an incredible evening with historians Peter McPhee and Mark Edele coming to Brunswick Secondary College to educate and enlighten us history students on the French and Russian revolutions. It was amazing to be able to witness and ask questions to these brilliant historians, especially so close to exams! Huge thank you to Mrs Pierce for organising everything.