







Peter B
Peter B

Peter Biancofiore

Year 12

Media & Communication Captain 2018


What an experience the last five years of Media have been!


 I still remember picking the subject on whim all the way back in Year 8. Now here I am, days away from the final VCE Media exam. Without a doubt, Media has been the subject that I will have taken the most  from through the years. Despite having had little interest in cinema or filmmaking when I started, I am sure now that filmmaking is a skill and hobby that will stick with me for many, many years to come. Additionally, of course, my newfound respect and appreciation for the cinematic arts and the hard work put in by the men and women in the industry is another value I will take away from my studies. I have also found recently that I am barely able to watch films anymore without picking them apart for symbolism and representation! I am not quite sure yet whether this is a blessing or a curse!


In 2018, I was lucky enough to be chosen as the BSC Captain of Media & Communications - a role I took with pride  and a role that I have taken seriously. This role allowed me to take part in, and make record of, important and enjoyable events that took place in the school throughout the year; photos and videos that I hope will serve as memories of 2018 for years to come. Another role of mine as the captain was to co-run the Media Co-Curricular Program - a weekly lunchtime class in which students come to develop short film skills and to work on the CCP film,  an inclusive short film that is devised and produced by the  students. We have recently finished production on the film which will premiere at this year's BSC Film Festival.


I extend special thanks to Emily Doyle, our school’s Head of  Learning - Media, to whom I have become closer to during my captaincy and whom I  value as a mentor and a friend.  I also send my best wishes to everyone running for the position of BSC Arts and Media Captain next year and I look forward to having my shoes filled with your hard work and enthusiasm.


To both Ms Doyle and to the Year 12 Media class, thank you  - and I hope to see you all soon!

What have you 

learned in

Media Studies this year?

Savannah P
Savannah P


Savannah Pocock

Year 11

In 2018 Media has been a fantastic subject. My favourite thing we did as a class was going on an excursion after school to see The Project live. It was an amazing experience and very interesting. Media is the subject for you if enjoy filming, editing and writing about genres and movies.  

Max E
Max E


Max Ellis

Year 11

This year in Media we have explored the narrative aspects of cinematography and how conventions of film can influence certain vibes/feelings in films.


Isabelle R
Isabelle R


Isabelle Rowe

Year 11

In Unit 2 Media we have been able to use the lessons as creative outlets and create films and media projects. We have done more adventurous things like go and sit in on a live taping of The Project which helped enrich our media technologies knowledge.  

Zenry M
Zenry M


Zenry Matsuoka

Year 10

Media has given us many creative opportunities in all aspects of film. The ability to use high quality cameras and editing software allows our creative visions to be realised. Additionally, being able to work as a group allows different creative inputs. Film making is hard to do as a hobby, so media is a good chance to try it out, from the junior school to VCE.


An Dang

Year 10

Media was such an interesting subject to take as I got to discover how much time and effort is put into making a film look natural. The exploration of film techniques and getting to make our own not only help me enjoy a film more but also deepened my knowledge in the making of a movie. 


Photo Gallery: click on pictures to enlarge.

Year 7 - Editing
Year 7 - Editing
Year 7 - Editing
Year 10 Media Studies
Year 10 Media Studies
Year 7 - Editing
Year 7 - Editing
Year 7 - Editing
Year 10 Media Studies
Year 10 Media Studies

Why join the Media Cocurricular

Short Film Production?

The Media CCP students participated in recording the inaugural Student Masterchef Competition as well as the 2018 Short Film Production.

Harry C
Harry C


Harry Cardamone

Year 7

I learned how to hold the camera and how to film correctly so you’re not just filming anything. I also got to  practice interviewing people involved in Masterchef using the microphone. Now I’m editing the Senior Masterchef footage and trying to make it into a film including all the interviews, shots of cooking and the food so people can see what [happens in] the MasterChef Competition. Instead of us telling them there will be a visual version.

I thought that filming the short film was really fun. I was an extra. So I had to fill in the ‘gaps’ in the scene - not so much talking, just looking and making it seem like a real scene. I really liked it.

Sam R
Sam R


Sam Richards

Year 7

I’ve learned how to edit a lot of videos not just on iMovie but in a more professional way on Adobe Premiere which is what professionals use to edit videos. It shows you how to make little changes that make a big difference in the quality of your videos. And I’ve also learned how to use a tripod properly and film different shots to make sure you can put them together in the edit. Being part of the CCP has showed me how long it would take to make a two-hour movie as you have to have so many good shots to make a high quality video.

Eram A
Eram A


Eram Ahmed

Year 7

At first I didn’t know how to use or control the camera so it took a bit of practice, but further into filming MasterChef I got the hang of it. I was trying to film the actions of what people were doing for example if they were cutting up tomatoes or stirring something in a pan I was trying to get a nice shot of that.


Francesca Porte

Year 7

In the edit, we’re trying to edit the shots together of the finished product and then we’ll put the clips together of the process of making the food. This will look good for the audience watching.

Alec C
Alec C


Alec Cross

Year 7

I’ve learned how to use cameras well and get better shots. We were walking around and trying to film people’s faces and the food as well to see how it all went together. And we interviewed some people like the judges about what they were looking for in the dishes. I enjoyed this experience because it was fun because we got to use cameras.


Photo Gallery: click on pictures to enlarge.

CCP - Short Film Production
CCP - Short Film Production
CCP - Filming BSC Masterchef
CCP - Filming BSC Masterchef
CCP - Filming BSC Masterchef
CCP - Filming BSC Masterchef
CCP - Filming BSC Masterchef
CCP - Filming BSC Masterchef
CCP - Short Film Production
CCP - Short Film Production
CCP - Filming BSC Masterchef
CCP - Filming BSC Masterchef
CCP - Filming BSC Masterchef
CCP - Filming BSC Masterchef
CCP - Filming BSC Masterchef
CCP - Filming BSC Masterchef

Do you want to know

more about 


​Media Studies?

If you are interested in pursuing Media studies at BSC,  why not come along to the Cinema Nova on November 20th for our annual BSC Film Festival? This is a fabulous opportunity to sample some of the work completed in this Learning Area as we celebrate the work of our students throughout 2018.

TICKETS ARE LIMITED - you can book your seats by clicking HERE


You can book your seats by clicking HERE